Violence erupts after the shooting of a black in America, two dead; National Guard stationed in Kenosha;

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 13: A black woman marches at the head of the group of members and allies of the LGBTQ community to the White House as part of the Pride and Black Lives Matter movements on June 13, 2020 in Washington, DC. The larger official Pride events have been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic but people still showed up to lend their support for the Black Lives Matter movement following the deaths of George Floyd and Brianna Taylor by police. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)
  • The protesters set the city center on fire
  • Many business establishments and vehicles were also set on fire

Violence has erupted in America once again after the death of a black. In Kenosha County, Wisconsin, there is resentment after black Jacob Blake was injured by a police bullet. The police shot him seven bullets in front of his children. People are on the streets to protest against this. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers announced the emergency on Tuesday. Also said that more National Guard will be deployed in the city.

In the US, there was unrest in the city for the third night after the incident of a black man being shot by police in Kenosha City, Wisconsin province. During this time, two people died and one person was seriously injured due to the bullet. Lieutenant Joseph Nosalik of Kenosha police said that the firing occurred in the area of ​​protest at about quarter past twelve. The condition of the injured person remains critical. He is admitted to a hospital.

The firing is being investigated and no further information has been released in this regard. The dead have not been identified. The Black man, Jacob Blake’s attorney said, he (Blake) was paralyzed after several shots were fired by the police. Blake was shot by police on Sunday (August 23) in Kenosha. Three of his children were also present at the time of the incident. After this incident, fresh demonstrations started in many cities. Earlier, police in Minneapolis shot George Floyd, causing widespread protests.

Jacob’s father, along with other family members and lawyers, told reporters, “They shot my son seven times, seven times … like my son doesn’t matter. But let me say that my son matters. He is a human being and his life matters”. Blake’s father’s name is also Jacob Blake.

Attorney Ben Crump said Blake, 29, is undergoing an operation. The bullet hit his spinal cord, causing severe injury to his spine. At the same time, another attorney said that it has also damaged other parts of Blake’s body. Crump said, “Only after a miracle would Jacob Blake be able to walk again.”

The legal team is considering filing a case against the police department over the shooting incident. The police have not yet told what happened that day, except that they reached there after receiving information about the domestic dispute. The names of the policemen involved in the incident have not been revealed. The Wisconsin Department of Justice is investigating the case.

On Tuesday (25 August) a group of protesters came to the blockade erected around the court and began to remove it. The protesters also threw bottles and firecrackers on this blocker, after which the policemen standing behind the blockers started moving forward. The police, armed crews moved forward and tear gas shells were fired at the crowd.

The police ordered the protesters to withdraw, but the protesters raised slogans that ‘black’ lives matter. After this, the police fired rubber bullets. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers appealed for peace and declared a state of emergency. Under this, the deployment of National Guard in Kenosha has also been increased from 125 to 250. Hundreds of people violated curfew in Kenosha on Tuesday. A day earlier there were major incidents of sabotage.

While the protesters set the city center on fire on Tuesday, several business establishments and vehicles also set fire to it. There were also performances in New York, Seattle and Minneapolis. Kenosha, with a population of one lakh, has 12% blacks, 67% whites.

This year has been a turning point in the US where people have called out the authorities for their systemic racism and injustice. People had taken to the streets to protest against the unjust death of George Floyd. But this incident shatters the hope of the people thinking that something had finally changed.


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