Modi Led BJP government in center getting into troubles with anti-Muslim agenda on India in foreign media


Special points

  • Foreign Ministry is busy in rejecting the opinion being made at the international level
  • Human rights issue is becoming a headache in Kashmir
  • After the decision on Ram mandir in Ayodhya, more than three dozen countries had been given clarifications
  • Foreign media gives anti-Muslim flavor to every such case

The diplomacy of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs stands at a new frontier. At present, the Ministry of External Affairs is sweating in dealing with the propaganda going on internationally. The New York Times to international media fraternity has been running an anti-Muslim campaign in India.

Media is linking issues with anti-Muslim atmosphere, including Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, human rights situation there, Supreme Court verdict on Ram mandir issue in Ayodhya, discussion of triple talaq law, Uniform Civil Code. Sources reveal that at present, a wing of the Ministry of External Affairs is engaged in giving up the clarifications to the countries around the world.

Information about Ayodhya verdict to dozens of countries
Even after a verdict on the Ayodhya case, the Ministry of External Affairs had to clear the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (US, UK, Russia, France, Germany and China). Dozens of other countries, including OIC countries, had to be given the explanations on the decision. The Ministry of External Affairs told these countries that each party was given an opportunity to present its case in the trial and the Indian Court has given an equitable verdict based on the facts. Although foreign media wanted to know that the demolition of the Babri Masjid in India was also considered wrong by the Indian court, but what action has been taken to punish its culprits so far? Let us inform you that in most of the questions, the incident of 1992 is still a big issue.

The matter of Kashi-Mathura will not arise?
After the Supreme Court verdict on the Ram mandir, people are questioning the existence of mosques in Kashi-Mathura and other places. Diplomatic sources say that such questions are being answered by citing a law made in 1951. The Ram mandir dispute in Ayodhya was a special case, but after this the Government of India has made it clear that other matters will not be taken up. The foreign media is not satisfied with this response of the government. Their counter-questions are even more dangerous. Foreign media citing Kashmir argues that the Indian government can also change the law for Kashi-Mathura etc.

Human rights issue is a big matter
Sources in the ministry state that all except four (Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey and China) countries believe that the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir is an internal matter of India. But the human rights issue remains a big concern in Jammu and Kashmir. The members of the US Congress who used to support India in difficult times, are also raising questions about human rights. Diplomatic sources say that at the international level, the convenience and human rights status given to the common man in Jammu and Kashmir is repeatedly asked. The international community wants to know why life in the state is still not normal even after more than three months. Why does the Indian government not giving any time limit in this regard?

Every issue is considered anti-Muslim
Whatever be the case either Kashmir in India or the Supreme Court verdict on Ayodhya or a discussion on the Common Civil Code, the international fraternity is associating it with the anti-Muslim atmosphere. Many countries and international media believe that Muslims are being marginalized in India, they are being discriminated and harassed. Diplomatic sources say that such questions get flooded at the international level and the international community is not satisfied with a blank answer without facts.

Modi since the early times even before starting his political career have been associated with RSS and RSS in India since its beginning time has been considered as anti-muslims in India.

There had been many rumors to ban RSS in past claiming RSS to be a hindu terrorist organization. Many RSS members including lal krishna advani , murli manohar joshi have also faced trials and complaints to be associated with Babri Masjid Demolition


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