Shocking: UK Woman Raped Over 50 Times in Osho’s Ashrams

UK Woman Raped Over 50 Times and Abused in Osho’s Ashrams
UK Woman Raped Over 50 Times and Abused in Osho’s Ashrams

UK Woman Raped Over 50 Times and Abused in Osho’s AshramsOsho: UK Woman reveals harrowing childhood abuse in Osho's 'sex cult' - Times of India

In a shocking revelation, Prem Sargam, a 54-year-old woman from the UK, has opened up about the traumatic abuse she suffered as a child in the controversial Osho cult. Sargam claims to have been sexually exploited over 50 times between the ages of 7 and 16 while growing up in several of Osho’s ashrams.

Sargam’s ordeal began when her father left the UK to join Osho’s ashram in Pune, India. Shortly afterward, Sargam and her mother followed him into the commune. Initially lured by the promise of spiritual enlightenment, the reality turned into a nightmare as the young girl was introduced to a disturbing world of abuse disguised as “free love.”

In a recent interview with The Times, Sargam recalled how she and other children were coerced into watching and participating in inappropriate activities. “At just 7 years old, I knew something was wrong, but I couldn’t fully comprehend what was happening,” Sargam shared.

Sexual Exploitation Disguised as “Free Love”

The cult’s teachings encouraged young girls to seek out older men for “sexual guidance.” Between the ages of 7 and 11, Sargam was among several children who were subjected to inappropriate behavior by adult men. By the time she turned 12, she had been raped multiple times.

The abuse continued as Sargam moved to the Medina Ashram in Suffolk, UK, and later to another ashram in the United States. It wasn’t until she turned 16 that she fully understood the extent of the trauma she had endured.

Raped over 50 times in Osho's ashrams': UK woman recalls ordealThe Reality Behind Osho’s Cult

The Osho movement, founded by Acharya Rajneesh, gained popularity in the 1970s, especially among Western followers seeking spiritual enlightenment. However, behind the public image of “free love” lay a darker truth of widespread sexual exploitation.

Osho, who became known as the “Sex Guru,” advocated for promiscuity as part of his teachings. While these teachings attracted global attention, they also allowed for the manipulation and abuse of vulnerable individuals, including children like Sargam.

Breaking the Silence

Prem Sargam’s story will be highlighted in the upcoming documentary, “Children of the Cult,” alongside the stories of two other British women who also suffered similar abuse in Osho’s ashrams. Sargam hopes her story will shed light on the disturbing practices within the cult and serve as a warning to others.

“I want the world to know what happened to me and many others,” Sargam said, determined to raise awareness about the dark side of the Osho movement.

Understanding the Cult’s Manipulation

The story of Prem Sargam is a grim reminder of how spiritual leaders can exploit vulnerable individuals under the guise of enlightenment. According to Sargam, Osho’s teachings promoted “free love,” but this philosophy was used to manipulate followers into engaging in inappropriate and harmful behavior. As young children, like Sargam, were coerced into watching and later participating in such activities, their innocence was shattered.

Prem Sargam’s experience in Osho’s ashrams sheds light  a on the manipulation  p tactics employed bye the cult. Exploiting the guise of enlightenment, Osho’s teachings on free love were used to coerce vulnerable individuals into engaging in inappropriate and harmful activities. Sargam, along with other young children, was subjected to the shattered innocence caused by being forced to witness and partake in such behaviors. This disturbing account exemplifies how cults target the vulnerable, inflicting physical, emotional, and psychological damage. The release of documentaries like Children of the Cult is gradually exposing the truth behind these harmful practices, giving survivors like Prem Sargam the chance to share their stories and be heard.

With more documentaries like “Children of the Cult” being released, the world is slowly beginning to recognize the truth behind these harmful practices, and survivors like Prem Sargam are finally being heard.


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