Protest Erupts: ABVP Demonstrates Against Dismal Hostel Facilities at Lucknow University

lu students

A demonstration erupted at Lucknow University as members of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) voiced their grievances regarding the inadequate amenities in the university hostels. The activists claimed that the university administration has failed to address pressing issues such as the scarcity of water coolers and sweepers in Hostel.

With a strong desire to communicate their concerns, the ABVP activists sought an audience with the dean of students’ welfare, Prof Poonam Tandon. However, they were met with disappointment as Prof Tandon appeared disinterested in hearing their pleas and proceeded towards the vice-chancellor’s office in her official vehicle.ABVP activists protest at Lucknow University over Dalit prof's remark on KV  temple - Hindustan Times

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In a desperate attempt to catch her attention, the students attempted to block the path of the vehicle, leading to an unfortunate incident. Akshay, a third-year student and an ABVP office-bearer, sustained an injury to his hand during the commotion. He was promptly taken to the university dispensary for immediate medical attention. Additionally, amidst the chaos, another student fainted, necessitating the summoning of an ambulance to transport him to a nearby hospital.

Regrettably, the repercussions of the protest extended beyond physical injuries. Aman Dubey, a resident of Mahmudabad hostel, received a notice from the hostel provost mandating him to vacate his room promptly. The notice was issued on the grounds that Dubey had allegedly spread false information about the hostel during the protest, thereby tarnishing the university’s reputation.

Upon being approached for a response, Prof Poonam Tandon stated, “The majority of the students’ demands are being addressed. Orders for additional water coolers have already been placed, and more sweepers have been enlisted upon the provosts’ request.”ABVP protests on LU campus, seeks sacking of Dalit prof | Lucknow News, The  Indian Express

Negligence Alleged: ABVP Accuses University of Ignoring Hostel Issues

Regarding the incident involving her vehicle and the resulting injury, Prof Tandon clarified, “No student was harmed due to the vehicle. As the students prevented the car from moving, I disembarked and proceeded on foot to the vice-chancellor’s office for a scheduled meeting.”

The ABVP activists’ protest serves as a poignant reminder of the persistent issues plaguing the university’s hostels. The students’ determination to fight for improved facilities underscores the urgency for swift action by the university administration to rectify the shortcomings and ensure a conducive living environment for all residents.

The demonstration staged by activists from the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) at Lucknow University continued to reverberate through the campus, drawing attention to the substandard conditions in the university’s hostels. The activists raised their voices, alleging a severe scarcity of essential amenities, particularly water coolers and sweepers, while criticizing the perceived inaction of the university administration.

During the protest, tensions escalated as the ABVP members sought to present a charter of demands to Prof Poonam Tandon, the dean of students’ welfare (DSW). However, frustration mounted when it appeared that Prof Tandon was unwilling to address their concerns and proceeded towards the vice-chancellor’s office without engaging in a dialogue.

Desperate to gain her attention and express their discontent, the students made an impassioned attempt to obstruct Prof Tandon’s car, resulting in an unfortunate incident. Akshay, a committed ABVP representative and a third-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Arts, suffered an injury to his hand amidst the commotion. Prompt medical assistance was provided, and Akshay was swiftly taken to the university dispensary for treatment. Furthermore, another student, overwhelmed by the intensity of the protest, fainted, necessitating urgent medical attention. An ambulance was summoned, and the student was promptly transported to a nearby hospital.

Tragically, the repercussions of the protest extended beyond physical injuries. Aman Dubey, a resident of Mahmudabad hostel, found himself confronted with a notice from the hostel provost demanding that he vacate his room by the evening. The notice alleged that Dubey had engaged in spreading false information about the hostel during the protest, thereby bringing disrepute to the university.

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When approached for comment, Prof Poonam Tandon sought to reassure the concerned parties. “We are actively addressing the majority of the students’ demands,” she asserted. She confirmed that orders for additional water coolers had already been placed, and efforts were underway to employ more sweepers based on the requests made by the hostel provosts.UP: Lucknow University Students Protest Against 'Discriminatory' Night-Out  Rules | NewsClick

Regarding the incident involving her car and the resulting injury, Prof Tandon clarified, “Contrary to the allegations, no student sustained harm due to the vehicle. As the students obstructed the car’s movement, I chose to disembark and proceeded on foot to the vice-chancellor’s office for a pre-arranged meeting.”

The ABVP activists’ persistent protest serves as a poignant reminder of the glaring issues within the university’s hostels. It underscores the urgent need for the university administration to assume accountability, rectify the deficiencies, and create a conducive living environment for all hostel residents. The demands put forth by the ABVP members reflect the genuine concerns and aspirations of the student community, emphasizing the significance of immediate action and tangible solutions.

As the voices of the activists echo through the campus, their demand for improved conditions grows louder. They emphasize the dire shortage of essential amenities, particularly the scarcity of water coolers and inadequacy of the cleaning staff. The ABVP activists firmly assert that these fundamental requirements must be addressed promptly, accusing the university administration of negligence and indifference.

During the protest, tensions escalated when the activists sought an audience with Prof Poonam Tandon, the dean of students’ welfare. Frustration mounted when it seemed that Prof Tandon was dismissive of their concerns, choosing to proceed to the vice-chancellor’s office without engaging in meaningful dialogue. This perceived lack of responsiveness further fueled the activists’ determination to make their grievances heard.

In the midst of the mounting unrest, an unfortunate incident occurred as the students attempted to halt Prof Tandon’s car, resulting in an unintended injury. Akshay, a committed ABVP representative and a third-year student, sustained a hand injury amidst the chaotic scene. The swift response from university authorities ensured that Akshay received prompt medical attention at the university dispensary.

Additionally, the intensity of the protest took its toll on another student, causing them to faint. Recognizing the severity of the situation, immediate medical aid was summoned, and the student was transported to a nearby hospital for further evaluation and care.


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