Journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, a fearless investigative reporter, has become the center of a chilling murder investigation after exposing corruption in a Rs 120-crore road construction project in Chhattisgarh. Known for his hard-hitting reports, Mukesh’s body was discovered in a septic tank on a property linked to the contractor named in his exposé, Suresh Chandrakar. Police have since identified Mukesh’s cousin, Ritesh Chandrakar, as a key accused in the case.
Mukesh Chandrakar’s Investigative Work
Journalist Mukesh Chandrakar’s investigative reporting shed light on the corruption surrounding a road construction project from Gangalur to Hiroli in Bastar. Initially tendered at Rs 50 crore, the project’s cost escalated to Rs 120 crore without any significant change in its scope. This revelation prompted the state government to initiate an inquiry, unsettling the powerful contractor lobby in the region.
Mukesh’s fearless reporting led to strained relationships, particularly with those implicated in his report. Despite receiving no direct threats, tensions had reportedly simmered. The contractor at the heart of the scandal, Suresh Chandrakar, has remained elusive since Mukesh’s murder.
Key Developments in the Murder Investigation
On January 1, Ritesh Chandrakar allegedly facilitated a meeting between Mukesh and contractor Suresh. Mukesh’s phone went offline shortly after, and he was reported missing by his elder brother. Two days later, Mukesh’s body was found in a septic tank at Suresh’s property in Chattanpara.
Three suspects, including Ritesh and another family member, Dinesh Chandrakar, have been arrested. However, Suresh remains on the run. The police have intensified efforts to apprehend him, forming four separate teams for the search.
Evidence and Forensic Findings
Forensic investigations revealed that Mukesh suffered grievous injuries to his head, back, chest, and stomach caused by a blunt weapon. Police have also seized three bank accounts belonging to Suresh to aid the investigation.
During the probe, media colleagues and Mukesh’s relatives were questioned. Police examined the property’s premises and retrieved Mukesh’s last known location before his disappearance. Additionally, a Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been constituted to handle the case.
Public Outcry and Political Responses
The murder of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar has drawn widespread condemnation. Journalists under the Raipur Press Club staged protests demanding justice. Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra expressed shock and called for swift action against the culprits.
“The news of the murder of Bastar, Chhattisgarh journalist Mukesh Chandrakar is shocking. According to reports, Mukesh was brutally murdered after he exposed corruption in his report. I demand from the state government that strict and immediate action should be taken in this case, the culprits should be given severe punishment and proper compensation and job should be considered for the family of the deceased,” she stated on social media.
A Career Marked by Courage
Mukesh began his journalism career in 2012 and later founded the YouTube channel Bastar Junction, which has amassed over 1.59 lakh subscribers. A resident of Basaguda village in Bijapur, he gained prominence for his fearless reporting on local issues, often challenging the region’s powerful contractor lobby.
Contractor Lobby’s Infamy in Bastar
The case has highlighted the influence and intimidation tactics of the contractor lobby in Bastar. Journalists covering corruption in the region frequently face harassment and threats, underscoring the perilous nature of investigative reporting in such areas.
Current Status of the Case
The Chhattisgarh state government has assured a thorough investigation into Mukesh Chandrakar’s murder. As police continue to search for Suresh Chandrakar, they are interrogating other suspects connected to the case. The journalist’s tragic death serves as a grim reminder of the risks faced by those who challenge corruption and hold the powerful accountable.