Jammu And Kashmir Assembly Reaffirms Call For Special Status Restoration

Jammu And Kashmir Assembly Reaffirms Call For Special Status Restoration

The Jammu and Kashmir Assembly adopted a significant resolution on Wednesday, emphasizing the importance of restoring the special status of the former state. Deputy Chief Minister Surinder Kumar Choudhary moved the resolution, which resulted in a split within the Assembly. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) strongly opposed the motion, while other members extended their support.

The resolution stated: “That this Legislative Assembly reaffirms the importance of the special status and constitutional guarantees, which safeguarded the identity, culture, and rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, and expresses concern over their unilateral removal.” It also called upon the Government of India to initiate dialogue with the elected representatives of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to restore the region’s special status, along with its constitutional guarantees. The Assembly further underscored the need to establish constitutional mechanisms that would help reinstate these provisions.

The resolution emphasized that any process of restoration must protect both national unity and the legitimate aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Despite this, the resolution faced considerable opposition from the BJP. BJP lawmaker Sunil Sharma argued that the motion was not part of the Assembly’s official agenda for the day, leading to a heated debate and brief chaos within the Assembly. The discussion centred around the legitimacy and potential implications of such a resolution.

The Treasury bench, largely consisting of 29 BJP members, stood up in protest as Speaker Abdul Rahim Rather reminded them that they had the right to participate in the debate, as per the usual norms of the Assembly. He added that if the BJP chose not to discuss the resolution, he had the authority to proceed with a vote on its passage. Amid continuous BJP objections, the Speaker called for a voice vote, and the resolution was subsequently passed.

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Following the passage of the resolution, the Speaker adjourned the House for a short period, but BJP members continued their protest in the well of the Assembly. Their objections were centred on the perceived challenges to the removal of special status, which occurred on August 5, 2019.

Meanwhile, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) lawmakers who supported the resolution emphasized that it did not reject the events of August 5, 2019, nor directly oppose them. PDP leader Waheed Parras expressed that he had intended to propose an amendment to strengthen the wording of the resolution by replacing the term “concern” with “opposition and rejection.” Despite his intentions, the original resolution remained unamended and was passed by the Assembly.

The adoption of this resolution represents a significant development in the ongoing conversation about Jammu and Kashmir’s special status. It underscores the continued concerns of the region’s representatives and highlights their desire for dialogue and restoration of the constitutional safeguards that once protected the identity, culture, and rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.


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