Top 10 LGBT Friendly Cities In the World


Every year, June is celebrated as the Pride Month by the LGBT community across the globe. To host the festivities, many cities in the world organize events to show their support to the sexual and gender minorities movement.

The celebrations in these cities have not only empowered the LGBT community, but it has also made the cities grow economically. There are various groups of hotels, pubs, clothing stores, and spas in these LGBT friendly cities that offer tailor-made activities and events during pride month.


Here’s your scoop of 10 most LGBT friendly cities in the world. The list includes places that offer legal protection, social approval, and LGBT nightlife to the Rainbow community:

1. Toronto

The largest city of Canada has the best gay bars in the country. The LGBT community here can find many interesting things to do, from getting high on its nightlife to the city’s love for art and culture. There’s also a Gay-Village at the city’s heart, located in Church-Wellesley, also known to be as the culture spot of the city. The Village offers beautiful galleries and glitzy theaters.

2. Brazil

You must have been living under the rock if you are not aware of the party scenes of the most famous beach-city in the world. São Paulo, the carnival point of Brazil, has the most extravagant gay pride parties on the planet, which attracts around 4 million people every year.

Drag shows, gay sex clubs with bars, male strip-tease- you name it, Brazil has it.

3. London

You must be wondering how London fell under this list! It has to, as London is the home to the largest LGBT community in Europe. The multi-cultural city organizes Pride London and a Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, during pride month. SoHo, the bustling area of London, offers a gay nightlife that’s unbeatable. There are gay bars and shops that display high-end costumes, a perfect place to be whether you are straight or gay!  

4. Miami

Miami is the most happening city in the USA that is packed with tourists, all year long. The city has been a home to LGBT family even when the community has not found a strong voice in the country. There is an annual Miami Beach Gay Pride Festival that lets the community unwind and party sans inhibitions.

5. Amsterdam

The city that always goes by the motto- Live and Let Live. It is the most popular destination in the world for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender tourists, and residents. Amsterdammers are one of the coolest hosts that organize Canal Pride, a yearly event where 80 brightly colored boats sail through the city’s canal route. The Canal Pride is attended by over half a million people and is one of the biggest events for the LGBT population in the Netherlands.

6. Madrid

Hola Madrid! Probably the world’s most liberal and gay-accepting cities in the world since 2014, post anti-homophobia law. The LGBT community has been living their lives to the most, thanks to the efforts of the cities’ socially liberal people. From gay cinema festivals to literature festivals, there’s a whole neighborhood with gay bars and clubs. Not to forget, the popular Circuit Festival that is organized every August. The city administration protects the LGBT community and is safe to visit.

7. San Francisco

The Gay-Capital of the USA, San Francisco, has the largest and renowned LGBT population in the country, with many historic names in its kitty. For years, San Francisco has been the epicenter of gay nightlife and the economic-socio-political focus. The LGBT tourists can visit Castro, the city’s first gay neighborhood, and now a symbol of gay-activism in the world. Not only this, but the Gay-Mecca also has its own queer Disneyland. Isn’t that fabulous? To be honest, San Francisco is the place to be if you are planning to travel around Pride Month. It has more vibrant parties anyone can take in a month.

8. New York

The melting pot of the world, New York, is more on the classy side of the Gay-scenes. From fashion shows to vivid nightlife; the city offers endless places to be. New York has muscle mary clubs, jazz bars, gay lounges, and intimate bars. Chelsea neighborhood is filled with many gay hubs, especially around the 8th avenue that will take your pride-month up a notch higher.

9. Berlin

The city, which is empowering the gay community since the 1920s, is now the gay capital of Europe. It has one of the friendliest and lively LGBT culture that is rooted in the city’s history. Today, Berlin’s gay-life has evolved as one of the urban and chic sections of the society. One can find everything here that previously only existed in one’s fantasies- saunas, cafes, darkrooms, bars, clubs, everything! In a nutshell, Berlin is the paradise for a gay person! The Folsom Europe Fair and Gay City Festival in June are the main attraction events for the pride community in the town.

10. Tel Aviv

Middle East is one of the conservative regions in the world) but there is one city that has shattered all norms to find a spot in this list. Right at the heart of the Middle East lies a city that is the most LGBT accepting, not only in the country but in the whole wide world. The exotic city, which has many gay beaches to visit and offers great activities, bars, and night clubs, is one of the most liberal places in the world. The pride week is organized every year during June to honor the Gay culture in the city.


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