Dubai: The 3-D Printing Hub

Dubai 3-D printing

The world is continuously evolving, and technology plays an indispensable role in fostering its advancement. In this step-by-step evolution process, 3-D printing has emerged as a revolutionary technique. What started as a novel way to assist the creation of replacement human body parts, 3D printing has rapidly gained popularity in innovative fields, apart from the health care sector.

Astounding all nay-sayers, 20 architectural constructions have been created with the help of this technique. The icing on the cake is the news of Dubai city which has envisioned a bigger plan. The Vice-President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, announced the ambitious 3-D printing strategy way back in 2016.

Turning the dream of 3-D buildings into reality, giant corporations have announced that 25% of the city-state’s new buildings will be made using 3-D printers by 2025. According to multinational construction companies, 3-D printing has the potential to shape the industries of the future.

By 2025, a quarter of Dubai’s buildings will be 3D printed!

Dubai Future Foundation is an organization that plays a vital role in working towards the development of strategic industries in Dubai in cooperation with the government and private sectors.

The organization has provided a road-map for 3-D strategy, as a market trend forecaster, SmarTech Publishing, predicted that the 3D-printed construction industry would be worth $40 billion by 2027.

Construction printing is based on the same principles as 3D printing of plastic toys; the only difference is there’s concrete in place of plastic.

The concrete is added into a nozzle which is attached to a robotic arm, rail or conveyor belt. Then, the belt squeezes the solution out in strips that frame the structure one layer at a time, followed by the making of other parts. This is how all the small elements are assembled to create a masterpiece.

“Office of the Future”

A colossal building nestled within the iconic Emirates Towers is the world’s first 3D-printed office called ‘Office of the Future.’ This marvel was made under the supervision of one technician who monitored the printer, seven people who installed the building on the site and a team of 10 specialists and electricians.

You would be surprised to know that it took only 17 days to get the design printed and was constructed in 48 hours, which is significantly faster in comparison to the traditional constructions methods. The 3-D printer used was of a colossal size. It measured at 6 meters in height, 36 meters in length and 12 meters in width.

This architectural wonder laid the foundation for other 3-D creations, offering a better opportunity for experimentation.

Agenda behind 3-D projects

From the builders’ perspective, construction has been a conservative industry, and it’s challenging to implement change. But 3-D printing seems to have opened the door for creative interactions. The new projects facilitate a mix of reflective work and serendipitous meetings.

The construction firms which were contemplating about the demand for 3-D-printed building, seem to have finally found an answer. The facility provides a sustainable option for mass housing because 3-D printed constructions are more affordable and easy to replicate. Moreover, the installation will become cheaper and allows for more opportunities for customization after the advent of mobile printers. The technology reduces labor by 70% and costs by 90% across different sectors.

Fighting homelessness

Apart from the fact that 3-D printing saves on labor, energy, and time, it is also believed to be the solution for the global homelessness crisis as more people gravitate towards living in cities. According to the UN prediction, the world will have 41 mega-cities with more than 10 million inhabitants, by 2030.

Dubai is the hub of an architectural treasure. Notably, the way the construction giants are accelerating the growth of 3-D printing, it seems the mechanized future as we see in sci-fi movies will be right in front of our eyes pretty soon.


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