The Rarest And Wildest Start-Up Idea Ever


Everyone who is reading this on their phones or computers cannot deny that we belong to the internet generation.

We are the generation which lives, socializes, functions and feeds on the internet. We cannot imagine even one day in our lives when we cannon access the internet. It would feel like the world has run far away from us, and we are lagging, not able to access and know what is happening to everything and everyone. Imagine how brilliant would be an idea that cashes on the most cliché and basic need of humans, that too in one of the most exciting ways.

Anyone who belongs to the internet generation is fully aware of what Quora is. It undebatably is one of the most trending websites in the world right now. Whenever you need answers to the questions the one place, we land us is at Quora. It is a portal which answers all the questions related to all the fields people from in and around the country come on the portal and make their identities and answer the questions that people ask.

The website launched back in the year 2009, gained immense traction within a decade and currently is one of the most sought-after sites to know anything and everything in the most detailed form from the community. Quora received enormous funding from the Benchmark Capital, worth $ 11 million. The company headquarters is in the Mountain View, California. Also, to mention the website by the end of 2011, Quora received more than half a million users.

In the year 2009, when people did not know where to seek the answers on the internet, that was the time when Adam D’Angelo and Charlie Cheever came up with a fascinating idea! These two young people were also the ex-workers in the ace company Facebook. Post their exit from the company they made their own firm and had this fantastic idea which gave yahoo answers a run for their fame.

It was on the Facebook campus that the two young lads met and exchanged their intellectual ideas of creating this company which will make the lives of people easier and more comfortable. In the year 2008, both the intellectual men left Facebook to find their way out in the world of startup, and we all know where their startup is at present. They decided on the word Quora which derived from “Quorum”, which means a group of people that come together to reach a consensus!

It took them around a year to enter the market, creating the website. It was in the year 2009 when this, now magnanimous, company came into being. Quora was compared with the giant in the field that was GOOGLE. However, later, people understood the difference between the two. The significant difference between the two was that one was algorithm based while Quora, was more about the answers from the community we live in, their experiences and the knowledge they want to share.

Even though the portal is somewhat similar to the other social media websites like that of Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers,, yet works entirely in a different way! Real names are mandatory for logging in, either vis Google or Facebook account to connect to people on this website.

Following with their success, in the year 2013, Quora also launched the blogging platform for its users with images and relevant blogs. In April of the year 2014, Quora raised $ 80 million from Tiger Global Management. With each passing year, Quora received immense fundings and even investors! In the year 2017, Quora raised about $ 85 million in a series at $ 1.8 billion valuations with Collaborative Fund and Y Combinator! In recent times, Quora launched the platform in various other languages such as Hindi, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, French and Indonesian.


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