The silver-lining in Hindi Literature


Our country has had a rich and profound history in everything in general, including Hindi literature. There was a time when writers and poets like Premchand, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, Dushyant Kumar weaved magic on papers.

But what happened suddenly that took away all of its charms? Why did the magic disappear?

Well, it’s hard to blame and say that this thing went wrong or this was the very reason for it.
Hindi literature, if not dead, is in a coma.

There are very few prospects which keep the faith of Hindi readers in the literature, Satya Vyas must be on the top if there has to be such list.

Satya Vyas is a very original writer. He has a style that is different than others in his league. His stories are so humble that every Indian man who reads it can relate to something as routine as eating. The vivid picture he creates with his apt selection of words to describe things is sheer brilliance.

Apparently, his writings are nowhere similar to the legends, but Satya Vyas has managed to strike the chord with his regular storylines, but fantastic writing. He knows what the new generations want to read, and he is serving them with that.
His book Banaras Talkies was a national bestseller and earned him some praise and acclamation. His readers also loved Dilli Darbar.

Vyas is loved for the gentle satire he layers in the simple situation presented in the novel.
He is someone who is bringing the attention of the English-reading-Indians because of word of mouth spreading around.

It is ironic how the literature of the language that is spoken by 400 million people seems done and dusted. There is a lot of writers including Anil Yadav, Divy Prakash Dubey who have brought attention to the Hindi literature scene, we don’t only hope that things stay like this, but change for better.

The Indian regional literature, including Hindi, is filled with some brilliant pieces of writings. There have been writers who have created magic on the piece of deadwood, and there still are few who continue to do so in hidden nooks of this vast country.

But the majority of them lie undiscovered on the world level. These books do not receive the due praises and acclamations, and that is because of the language gap.
There are few of the books that were translated into English from Hindi or other languages, but primarily these are selected and most popular book of that language.

Indian regional language is not limited to Premchand in Hindi, and Satyajit Ray in Bengali, but it seems like that when it comes to their English translation.
Even the books that have been considered as greatest of their several times didn’t get what it deserved. They remain limited to very few people who are reads of that niche.


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