How Much Does Generation Gap Effect The Way Of Thinking In People


Hamara zamane me toh aisa hota tha”, we know you have heard this a billion times since you know what it means. People who are older or even a decade old than we are, have made this statement quite a few times and made us feel bad about the whole generation we have taken a step in.

What does a generation gap mean, before we start with the article, we must first know what it means, the gap here means in what era we were born. For instance, our parents and we have a generation gap; people who are in 2nd grade have a generation gap with the ones who are about to clear the examination of 12th grade.

However, the definition in the present times is changing. Now, the generation gap is highly visible in just a span of 5 to 6 years, to be specific. Children passing out of school already know and are doing what we do in our 20’s. Surprisingly, this was not the case back in the day. In the olden times, the parents, as well as the kids, used to have a somewhat same mindset. This can be credited to the phenomenon where traditionally people used to get married very early (no, we are not promoting child marriage).

Have you heard your mother say, that I was married by the time I was your age, I knew how to cook by the time I was 12 years old, or maybe I never used to wear such short dresses because we had a culture and tradition to maintain? Long gone are the days when these things were taken into consideration. As of present times, people concentrate more on advanced studies, being fashionable and up-to-date. We are much more open-minded and have strong opinions about society.

Generation gap surely affects a lot when it comes to how we perceive our surroundings, and we do not have to go a long way to know about it. We can see glimpses of the same in our daily lives as well. Maybe when you meet someone elder to you, and he or she does not understand why you smoke at such an early age, or maybe, why you are no more a virgin. Such small things will tell us the major diversity in the thoughts of the people who were born in distinguished eras, if we may call it so.

Thinking is something if it does not concur with each other is sure to create differences. Hence, the thinking process, which is different in the people of different generations makes it more obvious fact that we respect the things people who do not understand our thoughts provoke. But, doing what you like is a thing of this generation and shall be of the next as well.

To conclude, the effect of thinking is highly affecting because of the generation gap, but this is the way the cycle of life moves, and it shall all live with this till eternity, maybe that is the beauty of life.


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