Dating, in the times of coronavirus – maintain social distance, please!


Its Friday night, the weekend is here but your social calendar is as empty as a bag of chips you just finished.

If your relationship status is – not single, well good for you, for others, the social distance and restrictions have played havoc with the dating scene.

It is all good to have zoom chats and video calls but ‘distance’ – is a perplexing beast to tackle.
While absence may make the heart grow fonder, distance, not so much!

Gone are the days of when a flirtatious brush of the arm or the excitement of sitting next to your date, popcorn in hand for the first movie date, wondering how the evening would proceed and if the first date will turn into many more dates.

The rituals of courtship, sadly, just went up in one big POOF!

Is a video call enough to replace the giddy excitement that one feels? The entire game has changed.

No more thinking and waiting for the date day, picking out what dress to wear or a frantic day spent shopping for that most becoming dress, painting your nails, going to the salon for a quick party makeover, the entire process has completely been destroyed by coronavirus pandemic.

And what it has introduced instead sadly doesn’t match the expectations and the excitement of a physical presence – each ritual perfected over a while – has been cast away in this new era of fearful reticence.

So how does one date successfully in the time of coronavirus, while respectfully maintain ‘social distance’?

Will the movie dates now turn in to a game of tennis or ping pong perhaps?

It does have its advantages – keeps you physically fit, not much investment needed in terms of looks and appearances. If the face anyway has to get sweaty no point in makeup and hair. Money saved – no expensive dinners, drinks, and the likes!

The gentlemanly drape of a coat around the shoulders could very well turn into competitive squabbling over line calls and a look of achievement on your man’s face as he beats you 6 -0, 6-2, 6-0, for in tennis, winning means all and love means nothing.

How about a zoom quiz, a perfect way to know your prospective partners’ IQ, reading age?
What is the capital of St Barthelemy? Damn, if you don’t know and fail almost all question’s – propelling you to read up the capitals of all countries, the names of million beaches around the world, and even the correct sauce for Mc Nuggets!

The dating game and its rules have changed, but not to everyone’s liking.




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