School Kids Busted in Kerala After Mistakenly Entering Excise Office for Ganja-Beedi Light


In a bizarre and shocking incident, a group of school students in Kerala’s Idukki district found themselves in hot water after they mistakenly entered an excise office while seeking a matchbox to light a beedi rolled with ganja. The students, clearly unaware of their surroundings, mistook the office for a workshop and casually requested help to light their illicit smoke.

What they didn’t realize was that they were standing in the very office tasked with controlling and cracking down on drug abuse—a place that was the last spot any drug users would want to end up in. The senior excise officer in charge, surprised by the students’ boldness, quickly detained the group. Upon further investigation, the officers recovered banned substances from the students.

School students mistakenly enter excise office asking matchbox to light ganja, case registered - KERALA - CRIME
School students mistakenly enter excise office asking matchbox to light ganja, case registered – KERALA – CRIME

How Did This Happen?

The incident occurred on October 22, 2024, in the usually peaceful region of Idukki, Kerala. The students, reportedly high schoolers, were wandering around when they stumbled upon what they thought was a workshop. As they entered from the rear of the building, they didn’t realize it was actually an excise office.

One senior officer on the scene remarked that the students likely mistook the excise office because they were unfamiliar with the area. They confidently approached the staff, requesting a matchbox to light their ganja-beedi. Little did they know they were about to face serious consequences.

Kerala’s Drug Abuse Problem: Is It Getting Worse?

While the story might sound almost humorous, it highlights a more disturbing trend—the rise of drug abuse among students and teenagers. Kerala, like several other states in India, has seen a worrying increase in substance abuse among young people. This incident is just another reminder of how widespread the problem is becoming.

School kids, who should be focusing on their education, are instead experimenting with dangerous substances like ganja. Authorities and school administrators are expressing growing concern about how easily students seem to be getting their hands on these drugs.

The ease with which these students obtained ganja points to a bigger issue—how drugs are seeping into even the most unsuspecting corners of society. If students can get hold of these substances with such ease, it begs the question: What is being done to combat the growing drug culture among teenagers?

Banned Substances Found with the Students

After the students were caught, a search revealed that they were carrying banned substances, adding fuel to the fire. The senior officer in charge confirmed that a full investigation would be carried out, not only to understand how the students acquired the drugs but also to trace the suppliers.

“We will conduct a detailed probe into the incident. Our priority is to identify the source of these banned substances and cut off their supply chain,” the officer said. “It’s alarming to see school children involved in such activities, and we are determined to take strict action.”

School kids ask excise sleuths for lighter to smoke ganja; know what happened next
School kids ask excise sleuths for lighter to smoke ganja; know what happened next

Parents and Schools in Shock

The revelation has sent shockwaves through the local community, particularly among parents and schools. How could children in uniforms, who are supposed to be focused on their studies, end up involved in drug abuse?

Local schools have begun to tighten their security measures, introducing stricter checks on students and conducting more frequent educational sessions about the dangers of drugs. Parents, too, are being urged to pay closer attention to their children’s behavior and social circles.

One concerned parent shared, “We trust the schools to look after our children, but we also have a responsibility at home. This incident is a wake-up call for all parents to be more vigilant.”

Authorities Take Action: The Road Ahead

This incident has pushed local authorities to rethink their approach to combating drug abuse. While catching students red-handed was a stroke of luck, the government must now invest in a comprehensive strategy to curb the rising trend of drug use among young people.

The excise department has already indicated that they will be rolling out awareness programs targeting schools across the state. These programs will focus on educating students about the dangers of drug use and addiction. They will also aim to create a safe environment where students can discuss any peer pressure they might face regarding drugs.

In addition to awareness campaigns, law enforcement agencies are stepping up their efforts to track down suppliers. Schools and local authorities are expected to work together to monitor and control drug activities in and around educational institutions.

What Can Be Done to Protect the Future Generation?

The incident in Kerala is just one example of a much bigger problem. As drug culture seeps deeper into schools and communities, more needs to be done to protect vulnerable students from falling into the trap of substance abuse.

Parents, teachers, and law enforcement must all collaborate to address this issue. Parents should take the lead by maintaining open lines of communication with their children, allowing them to feel comfortable discussing the challenges they face. Schools should be diligent in enforcing anti-drug policies and educating students on the dangers of substance abuse.

On a governmental level, stronger measures need to be implemented to curb the supply of drugs to young people. Raids, like the one conducted in Idukki, need to be more frequent and should target not just users but the entire drug network.

A Wake-Up Call for Kerala

While the incident of school kids wandering into an excise office for a matchbox may seem almost comical, it highlights a serious issue that cannot be ignored. The rise of drug use among students is alarming, and it calls for immediate action from parents, educators, and authorities alike.


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