On Valentine’s Day, Congress quotes John Lennon to send a message of love to BJP


On the 14th of February, the Congress took to Twitter to urge the BJP to “spread love, not hate”.

Taking to Twitter the party adapted a John Lennon song (perhaps in a manner that he would not have taken kindly to) to send a message to the Bharatiya Janata Party:

“You may say we are dreamers

But we’re not the only ones

We hope someday BJP will join us

And our country will be as one”

The nearly two minute long compilation juxtaposes several politicians including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, Delhi BJP Chief Manoj Tiwari and BJP MP Pragya Thakur.

Each politician is shown uttering one of their recent controversial statements, following which their voice is drowned out by a song.

The video begins with Prime Minister Narendra Modi commenting on the fact that “protesters can be identified by their clothes.”

Next is Yogi Adityanath quoted while addressing a Delhi poll rally and talking about Biryani and Shaheen Bagh.

Then follows Pragya Thakur calling Nathuram Godse a ‘deshbhakt’.

The video goes on in a similar strain to quote a few others before suggesting that the party should “spread love, not hate”.

Watch the video below:

The Congress also courted controversy on the 14th of February over their tweets on the Pulwama attack from last year.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday remembered the 40 CRPF personnel killed in the Pulwama attack last year and asked who benefitted the most from the attack and what is the outcome of the inquiry into it.

Gandhi asked who in the BJP government had been held accountable for the security lapses that allowed the attack.

“Today as we remember our 40 CRPF martyrs in the #PulwamaAttack, let us ask: 1. Who benefitted the most from the attack? 2. What is the outcome of the inquiry into the attack? 3. Who in the BJP Govt has yet been held accountable for the security lapses that allowed the attack?” he asked on Twitter.

Soon after, the Congress leader was criticised my many on Twitter.


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