NAGARALU WELFARE SOCIETY & ASSOCIATION – working towards India’s bright future.


In India, many sections of society still struggle for basic amenities every day. While the Urban areas have their unique problems, Rural India faces many limitations and challenges too.

This divide between Urban India and Rural India, along with the varying and many challenges, is what NAGARALU WELFARE SOCIETY & ASSOCIATION want to bridge, “We dream of One – India, an India where the Urban-Rural divide doesn’t exist”

Nagaralu Welfare Association & Nagaralu Welfare Society was founded by Mr. Nagothi Venkata Satya Santosh Kumar and Mr. L Ramakrishna in the year 2016.

They believe that India will never achieve its true growth story until the rural sector of the country is empowered to make choices and transform their own lives.

Hence, with a 100+ strong team and 300+ plus volunteers, NWA strives hard to find and execute solutions to the multiple challenges Rural India faces.

The mission is to empower 1 million lives, within 5-6 years through 360-degree development across Health, Education, Skill development, Orphan & Old age support, Water & Sanitation, and Economic Development.

Working on this mission, from 2016 to date NWA has run around 10 medical camps successfully, with around 10,000 people benefiting from these medical camps, 300 people availed the benefit of getting eyesight & eye operations, and 10 people got helped under CM’s relief fund and were operated in Hi5 hospital. 

NWA also provided and continues to provide legal support to the poor and the needy and guided them to solve legal issues.

Sankalp Education Society, which was launched in the year 2018, provided free education to 100 people and remains steady in this endeavour.

NWA also conducted education support camps and supported kids by providing books and finances of 2000 INR.

The NWA objective is to construct old age homes, orphanages, schools, and Mini Hospitals – and hence this laid the foundation for Sankalp – under which mini-medical vans are introduced to reach the Urban Tribal and The Rural people through mobile medical support.

Under Sankalp – skill development center was established in AP, Orissa, Telangana, and Tamilnadu to provide training and employment opportunities to the people and who were subsequently placed in good organizations, apart from this they also plan to expand their services in other sectors.

NWA Mission: Our mission is to bring together the best global practices, corporate thinking, and accountability, the highest standards of corporate governance to create a model of sustainable development, which is a benchmark in the industry and can be replicated at scale.                                                                                                                                       

NWA Strategy: Our strategy is to Engage, Empower, Execute, and Exit: To engage in Tribal, Urban and rural communities with corporates, young urban India, not-for-profit organizations, and government to empower our communities to execute programs that transform their own lives.

Nagaralu Welfare Society/ Association also works towards women empowerment.

Nagaralu Welfare Society and association and its team of 34 strong individuals and many volunteers have dedicated their time and resources, and are steady on the path, to bring a collective objective to fruition, helping many and offering a strong foundation for the people who need it the most.


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