An Italian artist has used pictures of women world leaders, like Sonia Gandhi, Michelle Obama and Hilary Clinton, on posters to highlight gender violence.
The Italian artist named AleXsandro Palombo has created a campaign featuring the bruised faces of high-profile women to highlight the issue of violence against women. The posters include doctored images of former United States First Lady Michelle Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Congress’s Sonia Gandhi among others. The images of the bloody and beaten faces of world leaders and politicians serve as a reminder of the lack of strong institutional measures to prevent crimes and violence against women.
View this post on Instagram“Just because I’m a woman” by aleXsandro Palombo – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women – Women protagonists of world politics as victims of gender violence – Chancellor Angela Merkel, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Brigitte Macron, Aung San Suu Kyi and Sonia Gandhi. – “Just because I’m a woman” I’m a victim of domestic violence – I get paid less – I’ve experienced genital mutilation – I do not have the right to dress as I want – I can’t decide who I’m going to marry – I was raped … Violence against women is a global issue that affects everyone, regardless of race, class or religion. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – #DomesticAbuse #DomesticViolence #violenceagainstwomen #violenciacontramulher #violence #violenzasulledonne #violenciadomestica #violenciadegenero #violenceconjugale #domesticviolencesurvivor #noustoutes #domesticviolenceawareness #WomenPower #Women #HumanRights #genderequality #Womenrights #WomanPower #michelleobama #hillaryclinton #angelamerkel #brigittemacron #violencesfaitesauxfemmes #Campaign #rapevictim #Feminism #Feminist #feminicidio #feminicidios #feminicide
The artist shared the images on his Instagram account and captioned it as “I’m a victim of domestic violence – I get paid less – I’ve experienced genital mutilation – I do not have the right to dress as I want – I can’t decide who I’m going to marry – I was raped …Violence against women is a global issue that affects everyone, regardless of race, class or religion.”
Italian artist AleXsandro Palombo told the BBC that he wants a “real response from institutions”. In a statement, Palombo said he wants “to illustrate the drama that affects millions of women throughout the world… with the aim of denouncing, raising awareness and obtaining a real response from institutions and politics,” reported BCC. The artist and activist is the author of similarly shocking campaigns such as Disabled Disney Princesses and The Simpsons Go To Auschwitz.