On Thursday, the Punjab government dismissed Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Gursher Singh Sandhu for allegedly facilitating a TV interview with notorious gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. This controversial interview aired while Bishnoi was in custody at the CIA Kharar facility in March 2023. The dismissal, executed under Article 311 of the Constitution, marks a significant step by the state government to address allegations of misconduct.
The Controversial Interviews
The interviews with Lawrence Bishnoi were aired on March 14 and March 17, 2023. At the time, Bishnoi was in Bathinda Jail but had been brought to CIA Kharar custody as part of the investigation into Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala’s murder. The case attracted widespread attention, and the unauthorized interviews raised serious questions about procedural lapses and security breaches within Punjab Police.
High Court’s Involvement and SIT Findings
The controversy escalated when a high court-appointed Special Investigation Team (SIT) led by Special DGP (Human Rights) Prabodh Kumar concluded that DSP Sandhu had facilitated the interview. The SIT’s findings revealed that the interviews were conducted via video conferencing during Bishnoi’s custody at CIA Kharar on September 3-4, 2022. This revelation prompted the state government to take decisive action against Sandhu.
Chargesheet and Evasive Actions
Following the SIT’s report, Sandhu was suspended on October 25, 2022, and a chargesheet was issued on the same day. However, attempts to deliver the chargesheet faced obstacles, with Sandhu reportedly evading receipt of the document. The Commandant of the 9th Battalion, Punjab Armed Police (PAP), eventually affixed the chargesheet to the doorstep of Sandhu’s residence to ensure procedural compliance.
Approval for Dismissal
The Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) approved the proposal to dismiss Sandhu on December 24, 2023. The dismissal order highlighted Sandhu’s non-cooperative behavior and cited his alleged facilitation of the interview as a violation of police discipline and conduct rules. The order further stated that Sandhu’s actions severely damaged the reputation of the Punjab Police.
Other Disciplinary Actions
In addition to Sandhu’s dismissal, Inspector Shiv Kumar, who was in charge of CIA Kharar during the incident and was serving on an extension post-retirement, was also terminated. Departmental inquiries have been initiated against senior officers, including former SSP Mohali Vivek Sheel Soni and Amandeep Brar. These measures underline the Punjab government’s commitment to maintaining accountability within the police force.
Significance of the Case
This case underscores the broader challenges of ensuring discipline and accountability within law enforcement agencies. The Punjab government’s decision to dismiss DSP Sandhu highlights its zero-tolerance approach to misconduct, particularly in cases involving high-profile criminal investigations.
The incident also serves as a reminder of the critical need for maintaining the integrity of custodial procedures, especially when dealing with individuals involved in high-stakes criminal cases. Ensuring such lapses do not recur will be essential for restoring public trust in the police force.