Is Twitter down? Some netizens complain that micro-blogging site isn’t working


On Monday, a few people began complaining on social media that their Twitter accounts were down. While some of them said that the website wasn’t opening, others said they were unable to share any tweets.

At 10 am on Monday, around 73 people had reported their Twitter handles were down, but this should not worry others, as in most likelihood, it could a problem due to their internet service provider.

In fact, some of us at Free Press Journal had Twitter-related issues last week, and as a solution, we opened Twitter on incognito mode, and it worked just fine.

On April 9, may users across the world took to other social media platforms to complaing that Twitter was down.

Earlier, Twitter co-founder and chief executive Jack Dorsey said Tuesday he was committing $1 billion of his personal fortune to coronavirus relief through his philanthropic fund.

Dorsey said in a series of tweets that he would transfer his equity in his digital payments group Square to his limited liability corporation Start Small, contributing around 28 percent of his overall wealth.

“Why now? The needs are increasingly urgent, and I want to see the impact in my lifetime,” Dorsey said. “I hope this inspires others to do something similar. Life is too short, so let’s do everything we can today to help people now.” The move could be the largest from a single individual for coronavirus relief and comes with the pandemic spanning the globe and inflicting a heavy toll in lives and economic devastation on the United States.

Dorsey said that after the pandemic ends, the fund would focus on health and education for girls and “universal basic income” efforts. Dorsey, who is CEO of both Twitter and Square, has created a foundation as well as the Start Small LLC — a model similar to that established by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in his Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, to allow for flexibility in funding startups and efforts a foundation may be ineligible to fund.


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