Indore: 117 test positive for COVID-19 taking total number of cases to 544 in the city


Number of COVID-19 patients in Indore have been increasing continuously as 117 more patients tested positive with which total positive reached to 544 in city on Wednesday morning.

According to Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr Praveen Jadia, these 117 reports are out of 465 samples in the lot of 1,147 samples sent to Delhi for testing.

“Most of these people were already in quarantine. Samples reports of over 600 samples is still pending with Delhi’s lab due to which the number will increase,” he said.

Dr Jadia said that as many as 37 deaths have been reported in city so far.

Earlier, 65 patients were tested positive on Tuesday including four Tabliqi Jamati members in MHOW, five doctors and 1 nurse.

As many as 99 people were tested positive on Tuesday in MGM Medical College which includes 65 of Indore and 11 of other states including 5 of UP, 3 of Bihar, 1 West Bengal, 1 Rajasthan and 1 of Telangana.

These people are domicile of other states but living in Indore and were kept in quarantine centre.


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