Guiding Light: Start something new


Grandmaster Akshar

When you say you want to begin something, what is it that you need to do in order to see it through and receive its fruits? There is a powerful solution to this in the form of 3 formulae or Sutras.

The first sutra is to take control of your own mind, you need to rein your mind in. Whatever it is that your mind commands your body to do, the body will obey your command. The second sutra is that you stay committed to your words. No matter what it is that you promise or give your word on, you must ensure to fulfil it. It is very important that you remain committed to it. If you have committed to waking up at 4:00 am, then that is the vow you have made to yourself and you should stick by it.

If you had promised yourself that you would wake up at 6am and go for a run, or practise yoga, then you must follow through with it. Whatever it is whether going for a swim, studying etc., you must complete the task you set out to do. The commitment that you have with yourself must be 100%. From this exercise, your soul and spirit will know how truthful, sincere and hardworking you are.

The third formula or sutra if combined with the first two will make you powerful beyond your imagination. The third sutra is to never give up, no matter what, do not abandon your work or your vision. If you had a plan of starting preparations for your exam, or you wanted the promotion at your workplace, no matter what your goal or dream is, you must adopt a never-give-up attitude towards it. You must have faith on yourself and conduct yourself with such enthusiasm that you will not give up. If you adopt and apply these three principles with perfection, then you will become a force to reckon with.


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