From staying off the streets to crowding trains leaving the city — Mumbaikars reel under coronavirus restrictions


Nearly 300 people in India have now tested positive for the novel coronavirus. With over 60 of these cases in Maharashtra, the state has now gone into a lock-down of sorts.

The government on Friday slashed attendance at government offices to 25%, cancelled all school exams from Class I-VIII and instructed all offices, save those providing essential services to remain shut. Earlier all schools, gyms, swimming pools, theatres, malls and other public spaces had been asked to stay shut.

On Thursday Prime Minister Modi had given a call for a Janata curfew and urged people to stay indoor. All shops, establishments, barring essential services, are also prepared to shut down on Sunday with other sectors also chipping in.

Mumbai however appears to adopted these measures already. Even as many took trains out of the city in a bid to avoid the virus, most parts of the city bore a deserted look as people stayed home and shops stayed shut.

Take a look at some of the photos from Saturday:

People throng to Mumbai’s Lokmanya Tilak Terminal to catch trains leading to their village as they flee from the city to avoid coronavirus
People board trains at Mumbai’s Lokmanya Tilak Terminal to flee from the city and avoid coronavirus
Local train stations that would otherwise be crowded remained empty on Saturday. This particular photo is from Andheri station.
A nearly empty subway in the city
The usually crowded area outside CST appeared deserted on Saturday.
Police checking commuters at Andheri Station


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