Enhanced security at SWR Railway stations


Hubballi Division of South Western Railway has started this initiative by procuring 30 Body Worn Camera System (BWCS) device comprising a Camera, Rechargeable battery and Recording unit each costing Rs.7200/-.

The camera can capture clear, high definition video, audio and still photographs from the perspective of the officer wearing the BWCS. The camera is 10 mega pixel, Day and Night recording with Night vision infrared LED light capable of taking photographs while video recording.

This is an additional tool in the hands of RPF to fight against crimes like chain snatching, eve-teasing and others crimes in trains and at Railway premises which are not covered by CCTVs and VSS.

These cameras continuously keep an eye out for any crimes and record incidents that occurs. The recording can be analyzed later when ever required to identify the movements of any suspicion persons. These cameras also act as a deterrent and to prevent the crime from happening in the first place. The recordings from these cameras can be taken as a source of evidence and provides the investigation with sufficient evidence and grounds to continue investigations and prosecute the suspects. These Night vision cameras can capture the offence even if it occurs in a remote area in dark places. This will enhance the capabilities of the Security personnel during raids both in protection of Railway materials and passenger security.

In addition to tracking crime and providing coverage of areas which are not covered by CCTVs and VSS in Railway premises, Body Worn Cameras is also an ingenious method to keep an eye on the security personnel and monitoring working of RPF personnel.

RPF personnel of both Bengaluru & Mysuru Division will also be provided the same to step-up security at stations.


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