BSES discoms launch AC, fan replacement scheme


The BSES discoms have launched a replacement scheme for its consumers in Delhi to have energy-saving air conditioners and fans for substantial discount, a company spokesperson said.

The BSES Yamuna Power Limited (BYPL) and the BSES Rajdhani Power Limited (BRPL) have been promoting energy conservation by promoting safer and sustainable technologies, according to the spokesperson.

Under the scheme, consumers in south, west, east and central Delhi can exchange their old ACs with the new energy-efficient five-star rated ACs at a substantial discount of up to 64 per cent.

The BRPL has also launched a fan replacement scheme, wherein consumers can replace old fans with energy-saving ones at discount up to 67 per cent. A similar scheme may also be launched for BYPL consumers of east and central Delhi, he said.

The consumers can avail the schemes by calling on the helpline numbers or visiting websites of the discoms, the BSES spokesperson said.

“A consumer can save up to 1,000 units annually on the running costs of an AC, depending on the model and type of the AC under the scheme,” he said.

Each consumer is eligible to replace up to three ACs and fans under the limited period scheme, he said.

Typically, the cooling load is around 50 per cent of a consumer’s bill, he added.


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