Babla Sarkar, a prominent leader and councillor of the Trinamool Congress (TMC), was tragically shot dead in West Bengal’s Malda district on Thursday morning. Known for his longstanding association with the party, Sarkar was attacked by four bike-borne assailants in the Jhaljhalia More area while on his way to his factory. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed deep shock and grief over the incident, calling for immediate action to apprehend the culprits.
The Incident Unfolded
The attack took place early in the morning when Babla Sarkar, also known as Dulal Sarkar, left the TMC party office. As he approached Jhaljhalia More, four armed individuals on motorcycles fired multiple rounds at him from close range. Sarkar was struck by three bullets, one of which hit his shoulder, leaving him severely injured.
Following the attack, he was rushed to Malda Medical College Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries despite receiving emergency treatment. The entire incident was captured on CCTV, which has since become a critical piece of evidence in the ongoing investigation.
Mamata Banerjee’s Reaction
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee took to social media to express her shock and sorrow over the loss of her close associate. She wrote, “My close associate and a very popular leader, Babla Sarkar, has been murdered today. From the beginning of the Trinamool Congress, he (and his wife Chaitali Sarkar) worked hard for the party, and Babla was also elected a councillor.”
Banerjee emphasized her commitment to ensuring justice, stating, “The culprits must be booked immediately. I am so shocked and sad that I do not know how to convey my condolences to the bereaved family. May God give Chaitali the strength to survive and fight the battle.”
TMC Leaders Demand Swift Justice
Senior TMC leader Abhishek Banerjee echoed the Chief Minister’s sentiments, urging the police to act swiftly and decisively. He stressed that no political affiliations should interfere with the investigation, adding that justice must prevail.
The police have already begun analyzing the CCTV footage to identify the attackers and are interviewing witnesses to gather additional information.
A History Of Political Violence In West Bengal
West Bengal has seen several instances of political violence over the years, particularly targeting local leaders. Babla Sarkar, who had been associated with the TMC since its inception, played a pivotal role in consolidating the party’s position in Malda. His assassination highlights the risks faced by grassroots political figures in the state.
Impact On Malda’s Political Landscape
Sarkar’s untimely death has created a void in the local political scene. Known for his unwavering dedication to the party and his role in strengthening the TMC’s foothold in Malda, he was a popular figure both within the party and among the local populace.
The incident has sparked outrage across the political spectrum, with leaders condemning the attack and calling for measures to prevent such acts of violence. The investigation into Sarkar’s murder is being closely monitored, and the demand for swift action continues to grow.
Babla Sarkar’s demise is a stark reminder of the challenges and dangers faced by political leaders in volatile regions, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced security and accountability.