5 Parcel special trains with essential goods depart from Western Rly


Five parcel special tains left from WR to various parts of the country on 16th April, 2020 viz Mumbai Central – Firozpur, Linch – Guwahati, Bhuj – Dadar, Bandra Terminus – Okha and Okha – Bandra Terminus. One milk special train too left from Palanpur to Hind Terminal on 16th April, 2020. During the lockdown period from 22ndMarch to 15th April, 2020, total 1472 rakes of goods trains have been used to supply essential commodities amounting to 3.17 million tonnes. 3343 freight trains were interchanged with other railways, including 1699 trains handed over and 1644 trains taken over at different interchange points. 55 Millennium Parcel rakes of Parcel Vans/Railway Milk Tankers (RMTs) have been sent to different parts of the country to supply as per the demands of essential items such as milk powder, liquid milk and other general consumer goods. The total losses over Western Railway up to 15th April, 2020 have been estimated as Rs 427.91 Cr (inclusive of suburban + non-suburban). Inspite of this, Western Railway has ensured to refund Rs. 185.72 crore for cancellation of tickets till now. It’s worth mentioning that in this refund amount, Mumbai Division itself, has ensured refund of Rs. 90.46 crore.

Till now, 28.08 lakh passengers have cancelled their tickets over entire Western Railway & have received their refund amount accordingly. It is also worth mentioning that all precautions are being taken during the time of loading/unloading of goods. All staff is being provided with suitable safety equipments, so as not to be a hazard for others in any way. It is a remarkable achievement that upto 15th April, 2020 more than 1 lakh masks and about 7000 liters of sanitizers were made inhouse at various divisions and workshops of WR during lockdown period.


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