Parents do not want schools to reopen, experts are expressing fear of psychological harm;


This comes in the light of many state governments wanting to reopen schools, colleges and other educational institutions, without factoring the needs of the students.

In the general session of schools, new classes start by the month of April and the first terminal examinations are held by July-August. Thus far, there has been a loss of at least three months of the education session. Even after half an August has passed due to the Corona crisis, it is not yet clear how long the decision will be taken to reopen the schools.

The government is considering opening schools with some changes in online and offline modes, but parents are not in favor of opening schools. Most parents say that it will not be right to take a decision to open schools until the Corona crisis is averted. 

Advocate Ashok Aggarwal, national president of All India Parents Association, says that education is a very important aspect of our life, but in no case is it more important than the life of a child. Till now no concrete system of treatment of corona has been established and cases of corona in the country are increasing at a record pace every day. In such a way, it will not be right to open a school.  

Efforts are being made to further the education of children through online medium, in some cases it is also being successful, but many problems are coming from the beginning. There is still no arrangement for the poor, disabled students, students studying in government school to get education from smart class. In such a situation, this system is proving to be of very limited benefit to some children. 

At the same time, due to online classes, students are spending more time on mobile or computer which is creating additional problems for them. Boredom is being seen especially among young children. Given these problems, the decision to start a class cannot be considered appropriate.

Many Governments, such as Delhi, have explicitly said that schools will not open until the virus is completely under control, while the others have made no statement.

All that can be said is that expecting young children to maintain social distancing would not be the smartest move. In a country like India, where many adults are unable to follow quarantine and social distancing guidelines, opening schools and expecting children to follow them can prove to be extremely dangerous.


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