Fun-filled initiative teaches kids about sustainable agriculture


The Resort, Madh-Marve, Mumbai has come up with a creative initiative that teaches kids about the importance of preserving the planet’s natural resources. The activity will empower them to think about how to save Earth’s diminishing resources and act as model champions of the environment. Children have an innate sense of wonder about the things they see around them. The Resort is harnessing this sentiment in a unique activity.

With the Earth bursting out of its limits with a burgeoning population, future generations are in grave risk of inheriting a world where it may be too late to think of sustainable growth and development. Many spaces have become devoid of Nature, and children spend most of their time indoors. This hinders their natural connection to the rhythms of Nature. NOW is the time when the current as well as next generation must understand the importance of preserving the planet with a little contribution from each one.

With this in mind, The Resort came up with an exclusive, result-oriented activity engaging with the next generation to help them reconnect with nature through practical hobbies where they can see the fruition of their labour. The children were taught the importance of Nature through fun-filled activities and hands-on interaction with Nature.


The initiative began on World Earth Day on 22 April, with the global theme ‘It’s Our Turn to Lead’. Young children, were trained on how to grow vegetables over a period of six months. A patch of land in the back yard was designated for this activity. About 25 children between the ages of six and fifteen gathered on the premises, and were given space to grow vegetables of their choice like cucumbers, lady’s fingers, tomatoes and pumpkins. The kids were guided by the expert advice of Mr Hemant Dhavade, an environmental expert with over 10 years of experience in the field of horticulture.

“We wanted to engage with young children who will be our future,” said Mr Satyajit Kotwal, General Manager, The Resort, Mumbai.

“Teaching gardening skills to kids can have many benefits and it is a great learning activity. It will help them gain confidence as they learn new skills. We are glad Mr Dhavade, who has so much experience in the field, could guide the children.”


The six-month long activity culminated into World Food Day on 16 October, when the kids came and harvest their vegetables. As a special bonanza, they were taught tasty recipes with those vegetables by our Master Chef and at the same time the children learned the basic elements of home science. “We also hope to inculcate in them a sense of pride in becoming self-sufficient,” added Mr Kotwal. “They will take ownership of the responsibility placed on them and will slowly get weaned away from dependence on outside help.”

As food prices soar and availability becomes scarce, it is our endeavour that at least a few future citizens can look ahead with hope and say, ‘Give me but a patch of ground and a little water and I will feed the Earth‘.

World Food Day will be celebrated on 16 October. It aims to heighten public awareness about the problem of hunger in the world. It marks the date when the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations was launched in 1945.


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