Courteney Cox shares video amid social distancing, but Matthew Perry’s ‘Chandler’ style comment steals the thunder


‘Friends’ star, Courteney Cox posted a fun video of herself and gave fans insights into what she’s doing while on quarantine.

Amid the Coronavirus outbreak, Courteney Cox is in self-isolation with her family. Recently, she shared a video that may be the reason why her daughter Coco and boyfriend Johnny McDaid have been socially distancing from her. The actress shared a fun video of herself showing off her dance moves and wrote, “Could this be why Coco and Johnny are socially distancing themselves from me?”

The video has over 6,442,541 views on the photo-sharing app. Fans also took to the comments section to talk about Courteney’s ‘killer’ moves. Matthew Perry aka Chandler Bing also commented on Monica’s video and wrote, “Hi honey, what the hell just happened?”

The two, along with the others will be coming together for an unscripted reunion special episode. The news of the reunion episode took the internet by storm and fans are eagerly waiting for it.

Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, David Schwimmer and Matthew Perry have rumouredly charged 2 million pounds each, for their appearance.


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