Now you can read Free Press Journal on Paytm app as well


Our readers can now read their favourite newspaper Free Press Journal on the Paytm app free of cost. India’s leading digital payments and financial services platform, Paytm has launched this initiative to provide a direct channel of authentic and genuine news to fellow Indians on COVID-19 & other matters.

The user can read several national and regional e-newspapers under the ‘Stay at Home Essentials’ section of the Paytm app. The service is available on android and iOS devices as well.

Amit Veer, Sr. Vice President- Paytm said, “This is our earnest attempt to make news accessible to people while they stay at home. We want to ensure that even during lockdown the lives of fellow Indians are as normal as ever. Now our fellow countrymen can read verified and authentic information from Free Press Journal without the hassle of paying or managing multiple logins.”

Over the last few weeks, Paytm has launched several initiatives to fight the spread of the Coronavirus. The company is seeking donations to contribute Rs. 500 Crores to PM CARES Fund. Paytm has also revamped its app to make bill payments for utilities much simpler so that users can avoid stepping out and prevent the spread of novel Coronavirus. The company is seeking donations for meals for daily wage earners and is working on this initiative in association with KVN Foundation.


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