Dirty Clean: Great Deals, Great Services


About Dirty Clean

Dirty clean aims at providing you the Car Care & Detailing services at your desired location. Their core services are:  Car Detailing, Car Steam clean, Car & Bike Care and Maintenance services. There registered name is Ryans Auto Detailing Services Pvt Ltd and Trade name that they use for Google, Advertising, Company Logo, Press Adverts, etc is DirtyClean Auto Detailing

They have a team of home-makers, Mariners, Engineers and Mechanical that are professional in this field. What makes them unique is that they carry their own power, detailing equipments and water which helps them to work and clean at any location they are called at. The products they use are of high-standard and comprises of SteamJet Machine, Wet/Dry Industrial Vacuum, Blowers, Portable Power Generator and Pressure Washer.

Where will you find them

The target Audience of Dirty Clean is of vehicle owners who are anywhere in and around Mumbai. Currently, they are spread across Mumbai to provide best and standard car services. They operate via their own full and well-equipped mobile unit.


X-Factor of Dirty Clean

There business model aims at providing standard and high-quality services and focus on their Customer Satisfaction, which is there #1 Priority. Additionally, they employ high quality materials, experiences and trained Technicians and the service is provided at the customer desired location and time.

People behind the idea

Mr Ryan Rodricks, founder of Dirty clean is an ex-Marine officer with over 17 years of experience in the Shipping Industry. He comes from the Marine field and is extremely Hard working, Self-Motivated and dedicates and has a passion for Cars & Detailing.

Ryan’s family is Prominent in the Maritime industry and his Father, ‘Capt Chris Rodricks’ has been associated with the Marine field for over 39 years. At present, his father is partnering with IMCA and he has headed numerous Shipping companies as CEO/MD.


Mrs Sharon Rodricks is the Co-founder of Dirty Clean and he holds a Degree from Mumbai University and at present she is running a Bookstore. Her family is well connected in the Real Estate sector and they are currently dealing in Sale/Purchase of Property in the state of Maharashtra/Goa.

The way ahead

Dirty clean is aiming to be a dominant player in the Auto Detailing sector in the next 2 to 3 years and want to become synonymous with Car Care & Maintenance.They want people to employ their services without hesitation and full confidence in the Quality of services offered.

Laurels for the Company

Any awards that are received are pertaining to the shipping industry and Marine examinations.


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