Audio-visual format of Vernacular Literature is engaging Indian Youth

Matrubharti - Vernacular Literature

The artist within us does not find a way to the right doors until we allow it to explore. Life is not just about reading for exams and getting a proper placement but is also about not letting the artist within you die.

School, college and then getting a job in Big 4 is how we generally frame our lives and forget that there was something that made us different from the crowd. However, society has changed; it has started to recognize the art and literature. We have seen a rise in the number of arts, cultural and literary society in our schools and colleges. Youth is not making their passion, their profession. People have started to respect the age-old craft, poems of famous artists, literature in vernacular languages and many more. Matrubharti is one such platform that respects the writers and artists in our community and provides access to the vernacular literature content to its users.

Making it possible for the Community

Matrubharti offers an opportunity to the users to share their poem, stories, articles and plays & performance in the vernacular languages to impact the society with a new wave of thoughts and ideas by young Indians.

In the era of digitalization, this is evolving and replacing the age-old method of showcasing your talent. Matrubharti started as an online platform to the users to send their creative content and get it published as an e-book in different regional languages. However, with time, the platform evolved and started an audio-visual format of Literature in vernacular languages.

The team at Matrubharti believes that videos have become a growing platform among the users, and they want to target youth who want to showcase their talent and spread the importance of mother-tongue.

Matrubharti Vishesh

What started in 2015 as a platform for e-book and content creator, now makes available for the users’ different option to showcase their talent and for society to read and watch art in the vernacular languages.

Matrubharti Vishesh, a premium section in the website and app, gives the option to users to stream:

  • Short films
  • OpenMics
  • Live shows
  • Plays & performance
  • Web series

Audio-visual format of Stories and Poems

Matrubharti believes that respect and understanding of the Indian literature and culture are essential. It wants to reach every individual and provide them with an opportunity to bring out the best within them and get more participation from the young generation.

Their Unique feature to attract people towards vernacular literature is through their audio-visual format of stories and poems as that is the best and effective way to promote and celebrate vernacular literature.

Matrubharti app has 10,000+ videos of poems recited by new and experienced poets. Additionally, they have over 1 lac stories in audio format, which has attracted a broad set of new story lovers from tier 2 and 3 cities and even the urban citizens having their roots in villages.

How to Post or Watch the Audio-visual

Users have to login or make an account on the website or the app and spread your words across:

  1. Write a story, draft it or Publish it for readers if you believe you have the power of words or
  2. Read
  3. Users can share Quote, Poems or Blogs as Bites in regional language with the community.

 For more details, visit:


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