Bhavish Aggarwal’s AI Bot ‘Krutrim’ Criticizes His Reply to Kunal Kamra Amid Feud


In the ongoing feud between Ola Electric’s CEO Bhavish Aggarwal and comedian Kunal Kamra, a surprising player has stepped into the ring—Aggarwal’s very own AI chatbot, Krutrim. The AI bot, designed to provide customer service advice and insights, has publicly criticized Aggarwal’s recent response to Kamra, calling it unprofessional and confrontational. The drama unfolded on X (formerly known as Twitter), where the battle of words has now become a subject of public intrigue and discussion.

This situation begs the question:

Is it a good idea for public figures like Bhavish Aggarwal to engage in such feuds, and should they take cues from their own AI systems when crafting their responses?

The Feud: Kunal Kamra’s Criticism and Bhavish Aggarwal’s Response

The feud began when comedian Kunal Kamra openly criticized Ola Electric’s customer service on X. Kamra, who has been known for his sharp wit and humor, took issue with the way Ola Electric handled customer complaints, calling out the company’s lack of professionalism and delayed responses.

Instead of offering a standard corporate reply or a formal acknowledgment, Bhavish Aggarwal took a more direct—and some would say unprofessional—approach. He tweeted back, saying, “Got hurt? Felt pain? Come to the service centre, there’s lots of work. I’ll pay better than your flop shows.

This reply, laced with sarcasm and a confrontational tone, quickly went viral. But it wasn’t just the public that had opinions on the matter. Krutrim, Aggarwal’s own AI chatbot, entered the fray, and its verdict wasn’t in favor of its creator.

Bhavish Aggarwal As Kunal Kamra Flags Ola Electric EV Scooters Issue
Bhavish Aggarwal As Kunal Kamra Flags Ola Electric EV Scooters Issue

Krutrim’s Criticism: A Bot’s Unbiased Response

An X user later shared a response generated by Krutrim, Ola’s AI bot, which analyzed Bhavish Aggarwal’s tweet and provided a striking critique. The bot’s advice read, “The given response doesn’t appear professional… It comes across as confrontational.

This has left many people on social media amused, but it also raised serious questions about public relations and professionalism in the age of AI. When your own AI system, designed to act as a customer service advisor, is calling you out for a lack of professionalism, it’s perhaps time to reconsider your communication strategies.

Should Public Figures Engage in Feuds?

The spat between Bhavish Aggarwal and Kunal Kamra isn’t the first time a public figure has been involved in a heated social media exchange, and it certainly won’t be the last. However, incidents like this raise the question: Should CEOs and business leaders engage in such public confrontations?

In an era where public perception can make or break a company’s reputation, how a CEO interacts with critics matters more than ever. Ola Electric, as one of India’s leading electric vehicle manufacturers, has millions of customers and stakeholders who expect a certain level of professionalism from its leadership. By choosing to engage in a sarcastic, confrontational manner, Aggarwal risked tarnishing his and the company’s image.

AI and Human Behavior: A Wake-Up Call?

The role of AI in shaping human behavior and decision-making has been a hot topic in recent years. Krutrim’s reaction to Aggarwal’s tweet highlights a fascinating aspect of this discussion: What happens when AI becomes the voice of reason in human interactions? While Krutrim was designed to assist customers, its ability to offer unbiased, unemotional critiques of human behavior offers insights into how AI can potentially act as a moral compass in professional settings.

Aggarwal’s reliance on technology for customer service at Ola has clearly paid off in some ways, but this incident raises questions about whether AI systems like Krutrim should also play a role in advising human executives on how to handle public relations and social media feuds. In this case, Krutrim’s feedback—albeit unintentional—provided a sobering reality check for Aggarwal and may serve as a lesson for other CEOs who feel the urge to fire back at critics.

Ola's Krutrim AI Chatbot faces criticism over questionable responses
Ola’s Krutrim AI Chatbot faces criticism over questionable responses

A Lesson for the Digital Age: Choose Your Words Wisely

The digital age has brought many advantages, but it has also made it far easier for public figures to be held accountable for every word they say—especially on social media platforms like X. Feuds that once might have remained behind closed doors are now out in the open for all to see, comment on, and criticize.

Bhavish Aggarwal, in his quest to defend Ola Electric, may have inadvertently drawn more attention to the very criticism he was trying to shut down. Rather than dismissing Kunal Kamra’s critique with humor or sarcasm, a more measured, professional response could have de-escalated the situation. Instead, Aggarwal’s reply—and the subsequent criticism from his AI bot—has become a topic of conversation, potentially overshadowing the success of his business ventures.

The bigger question now is: Will Aggarwal heed Krutrim’s advice and adopt a more professional approach moving forward, or will this incident serve as a one-off blip in the otherwise stellar career of one of India’s most prominent entrepreneurs?

What’s Next for Bhavish Aggarwal and Ola Electric?

With Ola Electric continuing to expand its EV portfolio and push for sustainability in India, it is essential that the company maintains its public image in a competitive market. While this social media spat may not have a long-term impact on Ola’s success, it does raise questions about how CEOs should manage their public personas in the digital age.

It will be interesting to see how Bhavish Aggarwal navigates future interactions—both with critics and customers—and whether Krutrim’s words of wisdom have a lasting impact on his approach to public relations.


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