Indian Government encourages cow-based start-ups, aids initial investment up to 60%


The Indian government has added a new business category to the list of options for start-ups. It is the commercialization of cow products like cow dung and cow urine. To draw aspiring start-ups, an initial amount of Rs 500 crore has been allocated to fuel the growth, while the government will provide 60% of initial investment to start-ups getting into this cow business.

The newly-established Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog Chairman said, ‘Startups focusing on commercializing: cow by-products like dung and urine, in addition to dairy, could receive up to 60% of their initial investment as government funding.’

“We will encourage the youth to go for cow-based entrepreneurship and earn not only from products like milk and ghee but also by-products like urine and dung that can be used for medicinal and agricultural purposes,” Vallabh Kathiria, Chairman of the commission, has quoted in a national daily.


Kathiria has been meeting academicians and meeting students of Gandhi Nagar-based entrepreneurship development institute of India to find out various strategies for youth to encourage them towards “cow-based’ business models.” According to him, this would also stop people from discarding cows after they have become non-productive.

Isn’t it strange that in this technological age, when we are talking about landing on the moon, unbelievable advancements in AI and drones, smartphones, smart TV, smartwatches, and globalization, and our government is focusing on globalization?

To support the government’s decision, many ruling members have started taking a free session on the benefits of cow dung and urine. Some consider drinking cow urine cures cancer; In fact, some have started a business of selling cow-dung. Surely the government has strong planning to boost the economy with cow dung and urine.

“Cow-based business model”

Cow-basedA national issue of Roti-Kapda-Makan has been replaced by cow-products-money. Now we will have cows to boost the Indian economy and will greatly contribute to making a healthy India.

On one side, our country is boomed with 1000+ start-ups coming up with new and innovative ways that will formulate the start-up eco-system. Many start-up funding agencies, investors, funding companies, and many more companies are present to invest in tech-driven start-ups. Our government, on the other side, is busy arranging training sessions and skill development camps for those having gaushalas (cow shelters).

In this situation where our economy is facing financial crunch, our government leaving behind tensions of population, pollution, unemployment, etc. has developed an interest in cowulation. It clearly states the mental sickness of our government.


Let us hope that this obsession will not close the doors to the latest inventions happening in the country and make institutes like IITs, IIMs, AIIMS, NITs, ISRO, DRDO, and much more outdated welcoming the gobar age and urine age. Imagine research centres in India finding new ways to collect and consume dung and urine. This obsession might take us back in stone-age forgetting the achievements and inventions we have achieved.

Is it right for the government to encourage the commercialization of cow products at the time of the economic crisis? Do share your views below.


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