Madagascar: A paradise for wildlife lovers


Do you wish to swing along the tunes of ‘I Like To Move It, Move It” just the way King Julian did amidst the scenic settings of the splendid island? If yes, then welcome to Madagascar – an island like no other. Malagasies are all set to greet with their warmth and enthusiasm.

Though Madagascar is touted as one of the unhappiest places in the world (due to low GDP and life expectancy rate), the place offers many attractions for the outdoor enthusiasts, ranging from pirates’ land to unique geology, dotted with crooked canyons, tunnels, and caves.

Let’s hop on a journey to this unbelievable wildlife-rich destination with your folks!

World Heritage Sites

Madagascar has evolved for more than 80 million years, and it was only colonized by human settlers around 500 AD after the first appearance of Homo sapiens in Africa.

Characterized by karst topography and skyscrapers, the fourth largest island on the planet has many World Heritage Sites. You can take a glimpse of the Royal Hill of Ambohimanga, a 500-year old burial site, the Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve and Atsinanana rainforests.

A destination full of upside-down trees and baobabs

Stroll through the untamed tracts of Kirindy forest and catch the sight of broad-trunked and spindly-topped trees. Meet the “mother of the forest” – baobabs. These deciduous trees are grown in the arid mainlands of Africa and are so gigantic that the other surrounding trees are dwarfed by the baobabs.

A wild world with “megadiverse” flora and fauna

The incredible biodiversity of this place will leave you spellbound. You can spot eight species of lemur as they peep through their googly eyes out of a tree hollow. These wildlife encounters will blow your mind away because here you can see the endangered fossa, the lemur’s only predator.

Thanks to Madagascar that we get to see dozens of elusive tigers, giraffes, hippos, chameleons and Malagasy giant rat.

Other than these big animals, you will also get to watch a wealth of petite insects and arachnids including, giraffe-necked weevil, hissing cockroaches, jewel beetles, and African Lunar moths.

Let’s hop on a journey to this unbelievable wildlife-rich destination with your folks!

Cruising along the lanes of Madagascar jungles, you’ll see a plethora of endemic bird species like a long-tailed ground roller, a brightly colored giant coua bird, and a white-headed vanga (Madagascar’s National bird). It serves as the perfect location for the birdwatchers.

There are a few handpicked places for you where you can capture the most breathtaking views of the sunrise and sunset! If you are a morning person and you can wake up at 4:30 am just to watch the bright sun shed its rays on the horizon, then Cappadocia will not disappoint you.

Some of the most popular viewpoints are Goreme’s sunset point at Uchisar castle, Red Valley’s sunset point and three Sister Rock panorama points. This spectacle will enhance your holiday experience.

These are just some of the things that you can do in Cappadocia; there’s a lot more to explore in the city that will leave you spellbound. If you are an adventure junkie, then you can opt for mountain biking, hiking or horseback riding. Pick your poison!

It’s really fun to trace the footsteps of the animal paws and romancing the nature that is undisturbed by human interference. Be a part of this unique safari experience and delve into a never-seen-before natural habitat!


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