Solar Power Technology: A Breakthrough Innovation to Attack Cancer Cells

Solar power technology

Over 200 diseases have been identified which fit the above description, and despite being different, they often go under the same name, i.e. cancer. While DNA mutations occur randomly in your body, they can also be inherited or caused by environmental factors or personal habits. Solar radiation contains Ultraviolet rays, which can cause all sorts of damage to the skin, including genetic damage. Remember that next time you go out to catch some sun without applying sunscreen on your skin. Long-term smoking has also been found to cause cancer in the body. Get rid of this habit as soon as you can. Given the sheer number of environmental factors and the number of mistakes our own bodies make, it is a miracle we all don’t have cancer. 

Cancer- A fatal disease that is eating us from the inside out! The second most common disease in the country that is responsible for maximum mortality, with over 0.3 million deaths each year. According to the latest cancer statistics, the mortality rate is quite high, with around 3500 persons dying every day because of mere tobacco use. The estimated number of people living with the disease is 2.25 million. Aren’t these figures quite alarming? If yes, then are you doing something about it?

The scientists worldwide are working day and night to find the best ways to fight this painful disease and reduce cancer risk, and it looks like we finally have one solution. To be precise, they have found a new method to detect and kill cancer cells, and that is – solar power technology.

Solar Power and Cancer Cells – What’s the connection?

Michigan State University researchers Richard Lunt and Sophia Lunt, a married couple, have been studying this subject for a long time. You must be wondering solar power technology and cancer metabolism are two seemingly unrelated subjects, then how did the duo find a new way to connect the two? You would be surprised to know this path-breaking innovation took place during their neighbourhood walks. While taking a peaceful evening stroll, they engaged in scientific discussions, which shaped this innovation.

The research findings

While Sophia was doing her study on metabolic pathways unique to cancer cells and personalized therapy, Richard was traditionally focused on materials for solar energy production. During his research, he discovered that the molecules active in the solar cells might be used for detecting and killing cancer cells effectively.

As per the results published in the journal Scientific Reports, the solar power technology can improve cancer diagnoses, provide aid for image-guided surgery, and treat tumours by photodynamic therapy (PTD). Sophia stated that they had tested this concept in breast, skin, and lung cancer cell lines and mouse models, and so far, the results are remarkable.

Is Solar Power Technology the Key To Killing Cancer Cells?

The research has laid the foundation of a well-thought-out plan to enhance the diagnosis of this life-threatening illness. As per the clinical trials, the fluorescent dyes used in this process offer great potential as both diagnostic and therapeutic agents, collectively termed as “theranostics.”

Coaxing organic salt nanoparticles into a safer and non-toxic zone resulted in enhanced imaging. Moreover, this process turns the nanoparticles into a light-activated range that showed positive for on-site cancer treatments.

Hopefully, this innovation will turn out to be another scientific wonder and bring happiness back into the lives of the patients in despair.


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