The JITO Administrative Training Foundation (JATF) has Appointed Vinod Dugar as their Chairman 2022

The JITO Administrative Training Foundation (JATF) has Appointed Vinod Dugar as their Chairman 2022

The JITO Administrative Training Foundation (JATF) has Appointed Vinod Dugar as their Chairman


Mr. Dugar, Co-promoter of RDB Group, and investor in 40+ startups, has been appointed as Chairman of JITO Administrative Training Foundation (JATF) on September 22nd, 2022. JATF desires to facilitate and fortify the system of strengthening the youth for a better tomorrow for the nation. JATF seeks to incarnate and develop a stream of young, energetic, unified, and highly skilled people to serve the cause of humanity, brotherhood, nonviolence, and peace. JATF strives to achieve its goals by providing selfless service to society and enriching the lives of students and their families across the country. JATF’s primary goals include empowering education and shaping youth futures. 

The JITO Administrative Training Foundation (JATF) has Appointed Vinod Dugar  as their Chairman | Education

“In today’s world, effective and honest governance that is accessible, transparent, and of high quality is critical for a nation’s economic empowerment and moral development. “The nation, the states, and society expect that the Indian Civil Services provide excellent opportunities for self-development while serving the community and society at large,” said Mr. Dugar. “The primary goals of JATF are to prepare and train more and more brilliant youth for participation in civil services for the upliftment of the nation through efficient and effective governance.” “JATF wishes to facilitate and strengthen the process of preparing youth for civil service in order to achieve economic, social, and political empowerment for the nation and community.”

The JITO Administrative Training Foundation (JATF) has Appointed Vinod Dugar  as their Chairman - The Bridge

Being a part of JITO, a global organisation set to achieve socio-economic empowerment, value-based education, community welfare, practise of compassion, and spiritual upliftment of fellow beings through global friendship, Mr. Vinod Dugar played an active role in developing significant education, knowledge institutions, economic empowerment, and spiritual awakening in order to perpetuate the Jain principles of non-violence, noble charities, and a peaceful world with compassion for all living beings, resulting in a harmonious and happy world.

The JITO Administrative Training Foundation (JATF) has Appointed Vinod Dugar  as their Chairman | Education

Mr. Dugar has been deeply engaged in charity work and the formation of social enterprises with the goal of reducing inequity and promoting social mobility by identifying and filling systemic shortfalls. His charitable initiatives include free access to primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare; financial assistance for higher education; and ecosystem restoration through afforestation. 

The JITO Administrative Training Foundation (JATF) has Appointed Vinod  Dugar as their Chairman | Education


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