Modi government will change IPC and CRPC: Home Minister Amit Shah


Home Minister Amit Shah said that there is a need to change the IPC and CRPC as per the time. These laws were made when the British ruled over us. Their priority was not the citizens of India, now that we are free, it needs to change according to the convenience of the people. Home Minister Amit Shah was speaking at the 47th All India Police Science Congress event held at the Police Headquarters in Lucknow on Friday.

He said that it is necessary to change the attitude of the public to the police and the attitude of the police to the public. It can be made a matter of fun by showing a policeman with a belly in the movies, but it is also necessary to understand how much security is on top priority for the policemen. People are celebrating Diwali Policemen are engaged in security. People take leave and go home, play Holi, but the policemen are worried that there may not be a riot. 35 thousand soldiers of the Police Department gave their martyrdom after which the people of this country feel safe today. Therefore, it is important that both the public and the police should change the way they see each other.

The Home Minister said that when the Modi government came to the center, the country’s economy was ranked 11th in the world but now it is in the seventh position. India’s 130 crore population is a big market for the whole world. Prime Minister Modi’s dream is that by 2024, the country’s economy should be five trillion. For which better law and order is needed which can only be achieved by better policing. He said that the central government is going to build a forensic university so that policing can be improved. Colleges will be built in states where universities cannot be built. The Home Minister said that this is the 47th event of the Police Science Congress. Such events have been organized since 1960. I think there should be an event on how many of these proposals have been implemented so far.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said, community policing needed
Earlier, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath while addressing the function said that as per time there is a need to increase community policing today. For this, the soldiers need to be properly trained. He said that now cyber crime is a big challenge before the police. So that the scope of crime has become international. For which police are being technically enabled.

Yogi said that policemen should try to live up to the public’s trust. Uniform fear should be seen in criminals. Law and order has improved with the coming of BJP government in UP. Kumbh Mela was successfully organized.

Around 250 million people attended the 48-day Kumbh. On the day of Mauni Amavasya, five crore people took bath in Kumbh. Despite being so crowded, not a single untoward incident happened and the Kumbh was successfully completed. Yogi said that the law and order in the state remained under the scanner after the Ayodhya verdict. There was no ruckus anywhere. All this shows better law and order in the state.

Earlier, Home Minister Amit Shah, who arrived in Lucknow, was welcomed by Law Minister Brajesh Pathak, Khadi Village Industries Minister Siddharth Nath Singh and Finance Minister Suresh Khanna at the airport.


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