Matrubharti is shifting the gears, from crowded community to a Premium Content play


Reading is a conscious decision made by the person to spend quality time with the choice of subject, author, and language. While millions of people spend hours on OTT platforms, there are people interested in spending quality time with a story available to read on digital media platforms like Matrubharti, 

Reading has been an engaging tool for centuries, where there were no visible screens or audible instruments; reading existed, and it has proven its worth even in today’s digital era.

Stories have exciting facts behind them as you would hardly remember the author’s names unless you read their multiple stories. You would engage with fiction very quickly than the factual content. Because fantasy is the world where we wanted to be, and the fact is the life we live, we always love our dreams more than our routine. The readers are the aspiring authors because they live specific stories so closely that they give birth to other stories within their mind, such stories wait for the right time to come out in the reader’s own words. Many facts can occupy a large space in this essay because they reveal only after you live an entity like Matrubharti.


Writing is a passion developed by millions of people to tell their stories to the world. Writing is not done only by academicians or scholars or philosophers, but even by those who never thought of writing. Writing is not the career people develop while studying in a university or school; it is a by-product of various activities you do. Many times, people broadly engaged in monotonous jobs start writing for the sake of change. Some people started writing because they learned a lot in life, and they wanted to share their experiences.

Many youngsters started writing after their first breakup, and many elders began writing after retirement. There is no age, education, or expertise required to register, you can start anytime and anywhere.

Many writers used to keep themselves anonymous because ‘writing’ was not a cool thing for decades. Matrubharti has helped such writers come out and publicly declare that they can write and write well.

When Matrubharti started on the web and app, it was pure passion and a commitment to help a community that has never been served before. Over the last five years, the team has understood the difference between crowded space and premium space in this online publishing community. A free mindset – as others do in social apps, however, it’s not about the quantity anymore; the social and publishing platform industry is crowded, and now is the time to transform it.


Matrubharti realized this fact early and shifted the gears. Instead of being only a community player, it is now a prominent content player in the industry.

Urging for quality from their writers, and many writers reciprocating by improving and providing only good quality content on the Matrubharti platform, the result is improved user engagement. The user engagement has increased from 36 Minutes per user per day to 45 minutes per day per user.

 With proposals for converting the content to films, audiobooks, and web series, technology has helped make this content available to millions of users, and content quality is making us stand tall in the content platform business.

Matrubharti, has recorded over 10% of users shifting to the premium subscription to get ads-free access and premium quality content. Yet, for Matrubharti, this is just a beginning, for in their words “we are here to transform the whole media and content industry with our reliable author network”. Jai Hind!




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