Highlights from the Prime Minister’s speech: Modi said – “Corona is not such a big disaster to stop the resolve of self-reliant India”



  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi said- “Many people lost their lives due to corona, also express condolences to their families”
  • He said-“ India became a challenge for expansionism, 130 crore people have pledged to become self-sufficient after Corona”.
  • PM Modi said- “To be self-reliant, we have to move forward with the Make for World mantra along with Make in India”.

Today, the country is celebrating the 74th Independence Day in the Corona era. On this occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hoisted the flag on the Red Fort for the 7th time. In his 86-minute speech, he specifically mentioned self-reliant India, Corona crisis, terrorism, reform, middle class and Kashmir.  He said that Corona was not such a big disaster to stop the resolve of self-sufficient India.

 India must become self-sufficient

Self-reliant India is embedded in the mind of every Indian today. It has become a mantra for 130 crore countrymen today. Many people must have heard that now they are 21 years old, now stand on their feet. In 20–21 years, the family expects their children to stand on their feet. Today, even after so many years of independence, it is necessary for India to become self-sufficient. What is necessary for the family is also important for the country. N-95 masks were not made in the country, PPE kits were not made, ventilators were not made, now they are. Take a pledge that when we are moving towards 75 years, then adopt the mantra of Vocal for Local.

Now the farmer has become stronger

The first priority is self-sufficient agriculture and self-sufficient farmers. Reforms have been one for the farmers. We worked to free the farmers from all the shackles. If you make cloth, soap, you can sell it anywhere in the country. The farmer of the country could not sell on his own, nor could he sell where he wanted to sell. We have removed all his bonds. Now the farmer of the country can sell the produce in any corner of the world on his own terms. Recently, the Government of India has allocated one lakh crore rupees in agricultural infrastructure. This will increase India’s access to the world market.

 When someone raised eyes on the country, the army gave a befitting reply

The challenges are also unusual when we embark on an extraordinary journey with an extraordinary goal. Efforts were made to challenge the country’s strength on the border. Whoever raised his eyes on the sovereignty of the country from LOC to LAC, the army of the country and our brave soldiers have responded in the same language. The entire country is full of zeal to protect India’s sovereignty. Inspired by resolve and moving forward on strength. The world has seen what our brave soldiers can do in Ladakh. I pay respects to all the brave soldiers on the motherland from the ramparts of the Red Fort.

We are not afraid of expansionism

Be it terrorism or expansionism, today India is staunchly combating. The world’s faith in India has been strengthened. India has become a challenge for expansionism. Recently, India was elected as a provisional member of the United Nations by securing 184 votes out of 192. This is an example of how we have reached this world. This is possible when India is strong, India is safe. India continuously strives to deepen its centuries-old cultural and social relations with its neighbors. One-fourth of the world’s population lives in South Asia.

 Preparation of the corona vaccine

 When is the complete corona vaccine ready, this is the big question. Our scientists of the country are engaged in life like sages and sages. They are working hard. In India, not one or two but three vaccines are in different stages of testing. When a green flag is received from scientists, there will be mass production. Its preparations are complete. The blueprint of how to reach the vaccine in the shortest possible time is also ready for every Indian.

Jammu and Kashmir will have elections soon

The process of delimitation is underway in Jammu and Kashmir. Elections will be held as soon as it is completed. The country is committed to electing MLAs in Jammu and Kashmir and moving forward for development. By making Ladakh a union territory, we have fulfilled its long-standing demand there. Now Central University is being built there. New research centers are being built. Hotel management courses are going on. Ladakh has many characteristics. Like Sikkim has identified its organic test. Similarly, Ladakh, Leh and Kargil can make a mark in our country as a carbon neutral unit.

National Digital Health Mission started

A huge campaign is going to start in the health sector from today. The National Digital Health Mission is starting today. This will bring a new revolution in India’s health sector. Health ID will be given to every Indian. It will act like his account. Every citizen will be able to take right decisions for good health.

Record increase in FDI

Last year, FDI in India broke all the records so far. FDI in India increased by 18% last year. That is why even the big companies of the world are turning to India in the corona period.  For this, India has worked on its policies and the strengthening of its democracy, it has instilled this belief.

 Will Spend 110 crore on infrastructure. 

Our priority is to get the country’s economy out of the influence of Corona as soon as possible. The National Infrastructure Project will play an important role in this. More than 110 lakh crores will be spent on this. 7 thousand projects have been identified in different sectors. This will give a new direction and momentum to the overall infrastructure development of the country. In such a crisis, as much emphasis is given to infrastructure, there is more benefit.

 Water to 2 crore families in a year

Economic clusters will be formed exclusively in rural areas. The farmers have tried to form Farmers Producer Associations. I last announced the Water Life Mission here. We have dreamed that everyone should get pure drinking water. It also contributes to the economy. I am satisfied that every day we are delivering water from pipes to more than 1 lakh houses. In the last one year, two crore families have been able to deliver water. The work of transporting it to the home of the tribals is underway. Water life mission has created an atmosphere of healthy competition in the country.

 New education policy will take the country forward

The education of the country has a great importance in building self-reliant India and modern India. With this thinking, we have been successful in giving the country a new national education policy after three decades. This education policy will connect our children at the root, but at the same time will give the ability to create a global citizen. The National Research Foundation has been emphasized in the National Education Policy. This will give strength in taking the country forward. Culture of online classes has become a part of the Corona era.

Women also become financially strong

Of the 40 crore Jan Dhan accounts, 22 crore accounts are of women. Of the 25 crore Mudra loans, 70% loan has been given to women. This government is constantly worrying about better health of poor sisters and daughters. We have provided more than 5 crore sanitary pads for one rupee in six thousand Janaushadhi centers. Appropriate decisions will also be taken about the age of marriage of daughters.


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