IDEX Legal is back with the 4th edition of LawServ


LawServ was developed in 2016 as a platform to plug the growing gap between buyers of legal services (primarily in-house legal and law firms) and solution providers such as law firms, legal tech consultants, executive search agencies, technology companies, GRC consultants and many more.

With the rise in complexity and workload on corporate legal departments and law firms the need to deliver solutions in a timely and cost effective manner is increasingly more important for business, and the need to research and connect with new solution providers becomes paramount. Hence LawServ, your connection to innovative solutions providers. Alongside the opportunity to meet solution providers is two streams of business content such as:

Key agenda topics to be discussed at LawServ 2020 will include:

  • Decoding what AI and ML mean to the world of lawyers and in-house departments
  • Arbitration- Movement from adversarial to inquisitorial and how imposing an arbitration award is easier than imposing a judgment
  • Insolvency and bankruptcy code till date – Challenges faced and their solutions while insolvency proceedings are on
  • Innovative legal solutions driving the future of law in India
  • Interpreting the recent trends, impact of new laws such as data privacy, issues and best practices around M&As recently.


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