Top 10 Best AdTech Companies in India 2023


Top 10 Best AdTech Companies in India 2023

What is AdTech and Why It's Important For Agencies
AdTech, or advertising technology, refers to various types of analytics and digital tools used in the context of advertising. AdTech companies are businesses that specialize in providing these solutions to advertisers, marketers, publishers, and others in the ad ecosystem.

Some common elements of AdTech include:

Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs): These platforms help advertisers purchase ads in an automated fashion. DSPs allow advertisers to buy impressions across a range of publisher sites. They’re designed to help advertisers determine which impressions to buy and how much to pay for them based on a variety of factors, such as the sites they’re on, the audience they’re reaching, and other contextual factors.

Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs): These platforms are used by online publishers to sell advertising space in an automated fashion. They help publishers to maximize their revenue and sell their inventory to a range of advertisers.

Ad Exchanges: Ad exchanges are digital marketplaces where advertisers and publishers buy and sell advertising space. They often use real-time bidding (RTB) technology to auction off ad space.

Data Management Platforms (DMPs): These platforms collect, analyze, and manage large amounts of structured and unstructured data. They allow businesses to understand and segment their audiences for targeted advertising.

Ad Networks: Ad networks aggregate ad space supply from publishers and matching it with advertiser demand. They are essentially the sales representatives for the websites within the network.

Ad Servers: Both on the advertiser side and the publisher side, ad servers are used to host and deliver ads to digital properties like websites and apps.

Why AdTech Companies are important

AdTech companies are crucial for several reasons in today’s digital world:

Digital Advertising Efficiency: AdTech companies provide tools and platforms that make the process of digital advertising more efficient. They automate a lot of the manual processes involved in buying and selling ad space, which saves businesses time and resources.

Targeting and Personalization: AdTech companies offer sophisticated targeting capabilities, allowing businesses to reach their specific audience with greater precision. This could be based on demographic data, behavioral data, or other specific criteria. The result is a more personalized experience for consumers and more effective advertising for businesses.

Data Analysis and Insights: The platforms provided by AdTech companies are able to collect and analyze vast amounts of data. This provides businesses with valuable insights into their audience’s behavior, preferences, and trends, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their marketing strategies.

Measurement and Optimization: AdTech allows businesses to track the performance of their ads in real-time and measure their return on investment (ROI). This not only helps them understand what’s working and what’s not but also allows for continuous optimization of their ad campaigns.

Cost-effectiveness: With programmatic ad buying, businesses can set the price they are willing to pay to reach a specific audience segment, which helps optimize their advertising budget. Real-time bidding (RTB) also allows for cost-effectiveness, as ad space is auctioned off to the highest bidder.

Scalability: AdTech platforms enable businesses to reach a broad audience across multiple channels and geographies quickly and easily, providing a means for scalable advertising campaigns.

Cross-channel Advertising: AdTech companies enable businesses to manage their advertising campaigns across multiple channels – such as mobile, desktop, social media, and more – from a single platform. This helps create a consistent brand message and a seamless user experience.

History of AdTech Companies in India

AdTech (Advertising Technology) in India has seen a significant evolution over the years, closely mirroring the global trends in the industry but with unique characteristics due to the specificities of the Indian market.

Early 2000s – Digital Advertising Emerges:
In the early 2000s, with the rise of the internet in India, digital advertising began to take shape. The primary mode of advertising during this era was through banner ads placed on websites. The early pioneers of AdTech in India were traditional IT companies, such as Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services, which started building capabilities in digital technologies.

Mid to Late 2000s – Emergence of Ad Networks:
The mid to late 2000s saw the rise of ad networks in India. These were companies that aggregated ad space from publishers and sold it to advertisers. During this time, India saw a proliferation of digital content, with many new websites and blogs being created. This made ad networks an attractive proposition, as they allowed advertisers to reach a wide audience with a single purchase.

2010s – Programmatic and Mobile Advertising:
The 2010s marked a significant shift in AdTech in India with the introduction of programmatic advertising. This technology allowed for automated, real-time buying and selling of ad space, making the process much more efficient. Companies like MediaMath and InMobi, an Indian-based global mobile advertising platform, made significant strides in this area.

During this time, there was also a massive increase in mobile phone usage in India, fueled by affordable smartphones and cheap data plans. This led to a boom in mobile advertising, with many AdTech companies developing mobile-specific solutions. The importance of geo-targeted advertising also increased, allowing businesses to target customers based on their specific location.

Late 2010s and Beyond – Data and Personalization:
As we moved towards the late 2010s and into the 2020s, data became increasingly important in AdTech. Companies started focusing on collecting and analyzing data to provide more personalized and targeted ads. The adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques also became prevalent for improving ad targeting and personalization.

Platforms such as Zapr Media Labs emerged, offering unique audience engagement and TV-to-mobile audience crossover capabilities. Additionally, other companies like CleverTap, a customer lifecycle management and engagement platform, leveraged AI and machine learning to optimize engagement strategies.

It’s worth noting that the growth of AdTech in India is not without its challenges. Issues such as data privacy, ad fraud, and the need for transparent reporting are continually being addressed by the industry. The introduction of regulations like the Personal Data Protection Bill also has implications for how AdTech companies operate.

Moving forward, the AdTech industry in India is expected to continue growing, driven by increasing internet penetration, growth in digital content, advancements in AI and machine learning, and the ongoing shift of advertising budgets to digital channels.

Benefits of AdTech Companies

Google Ad Tech - What Marketing Platforms to Use for Digital Success |  Cardinal Path

AdTech companies provide several key benefits to the various parties involved in the digital advertising ecosystem. These benefits include:

Efficiency: AdTech companies provide automated solutions that streamline the process of buying and selling digital ad space, saving advertisers and publishers time and effort.

Better Targeting: With the help of data analysis, AdTech companies allow advertisers to target their ads more precisely. This could be based on factors like demographic data, behavioral data, location, device used, and even time of day. Better targeting means more relevant ads for consumers and better results for advertisers.

Personalization: AdTech tools can help businesses deliver personalized ads that are tailored to the individual preferences and behaviors of each user, enhancing user engagement and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Cross-channel Capabilities: AdTech platforms typically enable advertisers to manage their campaigns across multiple channels – such as display, video, social media, mobile, etc. – from a single platform. This ensures a consistent message and a seamless experience for the user.

Real-time Measurement and Optimization: AdTech platforms provide real-time analytics, which allows advertisers to track the performance of their campaigns and make adjustments as needed. This ongoing optimization can significantly improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Cost-effectiveness: With programmatic advertising, businesses can optimize their advertising spend. Advertisers can set the price they’re willing to pay to reach a specific audience, and real-time bidding (RTB) can also increase cost-effectiveness by auctioning ad space to the highest bidder.

Increased Reach: AdTech solutions can help businesses expand their reach, targeting potential customers across different geographies and a variety of digital platforms.

Improved User Experience: By helping to ensure that users see more relevant and personalized ads, AdTech can also enhance the overall user experience on websites and apps.

Best AdTech Companies in India

Best 5 AdTech Trends 2023 | Axon

Zapr Media Labs



InMobi Launches Curated, a Series of Vertical-Centric, Contextually  Relevant Marketplaces for Mobile Advertising | Business Wire

InMobi is a global technology company that provides enterprise platforms for marketers. Based out of Bangalore, India, it was founded in 2007, and it is one of the leading mobile advertising and marketing platforms in the world.

InMobi provides a wide range of services that aim to help marketers identify, engage, and acquire new customers. Its platforms use advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning to offer sophisticated targeting capabilities and actionable insights for businesses.

Here are some of the key offerings by InMobi:

Mobile Advertising: InMobi’s core offering is a mobile ad platform that allows advertisers to reach and engage mobile consumers. Their platform leverages user data to deliver targeted and personalized ads, improving user engagement and conversion rates.

Marketing Cloud: InMobi’s Marketing Cloud provides a suite of marketing tools to help businesses build and optimize their mobile marketing strategies. It includes features for customer data management, campaign management, creative optimization, and more.

InMobi Exchange: The InMobi Exchange is a programmatic advertising marketplace where advertisers and publishers can buy and sell ad space in real time. It uses machine learning algorithms to optimize ad placements and maximize returns for advertisers and publishers.

Pulse: InMobi Pulse is a mobile market research platform that allows businesses to gather actionable insights about their target audience. This can help businesses understand their audience’s preferences, behaviors, and trends.

InMobi has been recognized as a leader in the mobile advertising space and has received several awards for its innovative solutions. It has also partnered with many leading global brands across a variety of industries.

I would recommend checking their official website or reaching out to them directly for the most current information.

Zapr Media Labs

Hotstar ties up with Zapr Media Labs for mobile audience analytics - News  Nation English

Zapr Media Labs, founded in 2012, is an India-based technology and media company that operates at the intersection of mobile advertising and data analytics. It’s one of the more innovative companies in the AdTech space, providing unique audience engagement solutions.

Here’s a brief overview of what Zapr Media Labs does:

TV-to-Mobile Audience Crossover: Zapr’s core offering involves bridging the gap between television and mobile devices. Their technology allows them to map the television viewing habits of millions of individuals, which can then be used to provide highly targeted advertising on mobile devices. For example, if a user is watching a particular show on television, an advertiser can then serve ads related to that show on the user’s mobile device.

Media Planning and Measurement: Zapr provides data-driven insights for media planning and measures the impact and reach of TV and digital campaigns. This helps marketers optimize their media spending across various channels.

Cross-platform Engagement: Zapr’s platform allows for synchronized engagement across television, digital, and offline events. Advertisers can use this to provide a unified advertising experience to users across different platforms.

Audience Segments: Zapr’s technology allows them to create specific audience segments based on users’ television viewing habits. Advertisers can use these segments to reach highly specific audiences with their mobile ad campaigns.

Zapr’s solutions offer a unique way for advertisers to engage with their audiences and have made them a notable player in the Indian AdTech market. Their approach has drawn interest from major players in the media and advertising industry, and they’ve established partnerships with several leading companies.

Zapr’s specific offerings may have evolved since then. For the most current information, I recommend checking their official website or reaching out to them directly.



Vserv Smart Data will improve the conversion rate -
Vserv, founded in 2010, is a mobile-focused advertising technology company based in Mumbai, India. They offer a comprehensive suite of solutions that help brands, app developers, and digital publishers in their advertising and monetization efforts.

Here are some key aspects of Vserv’s offerings:

Data Management Platform (DMP): Vserv’s DMP collects and analyzes user data to build detailed customer profiles. This information enables advertisers to better understand their audiences and deliver more targeted and relevant advertising content.

Demand-Side Platform (DSP): The company’s DSP automates the ad-buying process, allowing advertisers to purchase mobile ad inventory in real time. Advertisers can set parameters for their ad campaigns, and the DSP will use data and algorithms to find the best ad placements.

Ad Exchanges: Vserv also provides access to ad exchanges, where publishers sell their digital ad inventory to advertisers. These exchanges facilitate real-time auctions for the ad space, helping to ensure that both advertisers and publishers get the best possible value.

Monetization Solutions: For app developers and digital publishers, Vserv offers solutions to effectively monetize their platforms. This could involve displaying ads within their apps or on their websites or making use of in-app purchases.

Creative Solutions: Vserv offers a range of creative solutions for mobile advertising. These include interactive ad formats and immersive mobile experiences designed to engage users and drive conversions.

Vserv has worked with several leading global brands and has made a significant impact in the mobile advertising industry, especially in emerging markets. Please verify this information, as it might have changed since my last update. For the most accurate and recent details, it’s best to visit Vserv’s official website or contact them directly.



Adtech firm Silverpush plans Rs 750-1000 crore IPO, bolsters management  team - Exchange4media
SilverPush is an innovative AdTech company that provides cross-device mapping technology, helping brands to understand and track their customers’ journey across multiple devices. It’s headquartered in Gurugram, India, and was founded in 2012.

Here are some of the core offerings from SilverPush:

Cross-Device Mapping: SilverPush’s primary service is cross-device mapping. This technology identifies users across multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, providing a holistic view of the customer journey. It allows marketers to deliver a seamless and consistent advertising experience across devices.

TV Ad Tracking: SilverPush’s TV ad tracking technology provides real-time information about when and where a brand’s TV ads are being aired. This allows for more effective TV ad spending and better integration between TV and digital advertising campaigns.

Video Ad Benchmarking: SilverPush offers video ad benchmarking services that provide insights into the performance of a brand’s video ads compared to those of its competitors.

Performance Marketing: SilverPush also offers performance marketing services, using its technology to optimize ad campaigns based on performance data.

Real-Time Media Buying: Using programmatic technology, SilverPush helps brands buy digital media in real time, ensuring they get the best possible value and reach their target audience effectively.

SilverPush’s unique offerings and innovative technology have made it a significant player in the AdTech industry. For the most recent and accurate information, please check the company’s official website or contact them directly.



Affle to acquire mobile marketing firm, shares up over 1% | Mint

Affle is a global technology company that was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Singapore, with a significant presence in Gurugram, India. Affle’s platforms have been built with a focus on enhancing user engagement, improving return on investment for marketers, and optimizing conversions for businesses.

Here’s a brief overview of the primary offerings from Affle:

Affle2C Platform: The Affle2C (Consumer) Platform is a proprietary, end-to-end solution that enables brands to engage users with personalized, contextual advertisements on connected devices. It uses data and machine learning to enhance targeting and optimization, and it’s designed to support user acquisition, engagement, and transactions.

Affle2E Platform: The Affle2E (Enterprise) Platform provides companies with a range of enterprise-grade solutions, including its secure data management platform, Chatbot platform,, and other machine learning and predictive analytics-based solutions to enhance their digital assets.

Vizury Engage360: Vizury Engage360 is an omnichannel marketing platform that orchestrates user engagement and enables one-on-one user conversations across channels such as push, in-app, SMS, web push, email, and social media.

RevX: RevX is a self-serve platform for mobile marketing and app re-engagement. It offers features like dynamic creative optimization, audience targeting, and conversion tracking to help businesses re-engage with their users and improve conversion rates.

Data Management Platform (mTraction): Affle’s mTraction is a data management platform (DMP) that helps businesses collect, analyze, and use data to improve their marketing strategies.



Mobile Advertising Company, Best Rich Media & Video Ads - mCanvas

mCanvas is an innovative mobile advertising platform based in Mumbai, India. Founded in 2015, the company has a focus on creating rich, interactive, and personalized advertising experiences designed to engage users and promote brand recognition.

Here are some key offerings from mCanvas:

Storytelling Ads: mCanvas leverages mobile sensor technology to create engaging and interactive storytelling ads. These ads respond to the user’s mobile behavior, like shaking, tilting, and flipping their device, creating an immersive ad experience that goes beyond traditional display ads.

High-Impact Ad Formats: mCanvas offers a suite of high-impact mobile ad formats, including Scroller, Sticker, and Spotlight. These ad formats are designed to capture user attention and drive engagement.

Customizable Ads: mCanvas allows advertisers to fully customize their ads, tailoring the look and feel of the ad to match their brand identity and campaign goals.

Advanced Targeting: mCanvas’s platform allows advertisers to target their campaigns based on various parameters such as demographics, location, and device type, ensuring that ads reach the most relevant audience.

Ad Performance Analytics: mCanvas provides detailed analytics on ad performance, helping advertisers understand how their ads are performing and how they can optimize their campaigns to drive better results.

mCanvas has partnered with several leading publishers and brands in India and beyond, and their innovative approach to mobile advertising has been recognized with numerous industry awards.

For the most current and accurate information, it’s best to check mCanvas’s official website or reach out to them directly.


RevX | YourStory

RevX is an AI-driven mobile advertising platform that specializes in app retargeting, which involves reaching out to users who have already shown an interest in a certain app. It helps businesses to engage and re-engage users with personalized advertisements.

Here are some of the key features of RevX’s services:

App Retargeting: RevX’s primary offering is app retargeting. Their platform uses AI and machine learning algorithms to deliver personalized ads to users who have interacted with an app but haven’t converted or to existing users to prompt them to return to the app.

Dynamic Creative Optimization: RevX’s platform offers dynamic creative optimization, which uses data to automatically adjust and personalize ad creative in real-time. This ensures that each user is shown the most relevant and engaging ad possible, improving performance and conversion rates.

User Segmentation: RevX allows advertisers to segment their users based on behavior, engagement, and other characteristics. This enables them to deliver highly targeted and personalized ad campaigns.

Cross-Device Capabilities: RevX’s platform provides cross-device targeting capabilities, allowing advertisers to reach their audience on any device and providing a seamless experience for users.

Performance Analytics: RevX provides detailed analytics and reporting on the performance of ad campaigns. This allows advertisers to understand how their campaigns are performing and make data-driven decisions to optimize their strategy.

RevX has been recognized as a leader in the app retargeting space, working with top app developers and marketers across various industries globally. For the most up-to-date information, please visit RevX’s official website or contact them directly.


CleverTap Quarterly - CleverTap

CleverTap is a leading customer lifecycle management and mobile marketing company, offering a comprehensive suite of engagement tools backed by sophisticated analytics. Founded in 2013 and based out of Mountain View, California, with significant operations in Mumbai, India, CleverTap has quickly become a significant player in the AdTech space.

Here’s a brief overview of what CleverTap offers:

Customer Data Platform: CleverTap’s platform consolidates user data from multiple sources into a single unified view, which helps companies gain deep insights into their customers’ behavior.

Engagement Platform: CleverTap allows businesses to engage with their customers through several channels, such as push notifications, in-app messaging, email, SMS, and more. The platform enables real-time, automated, personalized messaging based on user behavior.

Retention and User Lifecycle Management: CleverTap provides tools to track and improve user retention. The platform allows companies to map out the customer journey, identify churn points, and implement strategies to enhance customer loyalty.

AI and Machine Learning: CleverTap leverages AI and machine learning to offer predictive segmentation, churn prediction, and other insights that allow businesses to proactively engage with customers and improve outcomes.

Analytics and Reporting: CleverTap offers detailed analytics and reporting tools, providing businesses with actionable insights to make data-driven decisions and optimize their marketing strategies.

CleverTap’s solutions are used by some of the leading brands worldwide, and they have established a global presence with customers across various industries like e-commerce, travel, food, and finance.

I would recommend checking their official website or reaching out to them directly for the most current information



Sokrati - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Sokrati is an AdTech company founded in 2009 and headquartered in Pune, India. It specializes in digital advertising and analytics, providing businesses with solutions to enhance their online presence, reach their target audience, and drive conversions.

Here are some key features of Sokrati’s offerings:

Performance Marketing: Sokrati provides performance marketing solutions, helping businesses to optimize their advertising strategies to drive conversions and improve return on investment.

Search and Social Advertising: Sokrati offers solutions for both search and social advertising, helping businesses to reach their target audience on major platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram.

E-commerce Advertising: Sokrati has a particular focus on e-commerce businesses, providing them with solutions to optimize their product listings, reach their target audience, and drive sales on major e-commerce platforms.

Data Analytics: Sokrati’s platform includes powerful analytics tools, providing businesses with detailed insights into their ad performance, customer behavior, and market trends. These insights can be used to make data-driven decisions and optimize advertising strategies.

Creative Studio: Sokrati also offers a suite of creative services, helping businesses to create engaging and impactful ad content that captures their audience’s attention and drives conversions.

In 2017, Sokrati was acquired by Dentsu Aegis Network and was rebranded as Merkle Sokrati, aligning with Dentsu’s customer experience management (CXM) service line, Merkle. So, for the most recent and accurate information, I recommend checking Merkle’s official website or contacting them directly.



AdLift (@AdLift) / Twitter

AdLift is a digital marketing agency that provides a range of services to help businesses improve their online presence and reach their target audience more effectively. Founded in 2009, AdLift has its headquarters in Palo Alto, California, with significant operations in Gurgaon, India.

Here’s a brief overview of AdLift’s services:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): AdLift helps businesses improve their search engine rankings through effective SEO strategies. This includes keyword research, content creation, technical SEO, and more.

PPC (Pay Per Click) Management: AdLift provides businesses with effective PPC campaign management, helping them to maximize their return on ad spend.

Content Marketing: AdLift helps businesses develop and execute effective content marketing strategies, including content creation, content promotion, and content strategy development.

Social Media Marketing: AdLift provides businesses with social media marketing services, helping them to engage their audience, build brand awareness, and drive conversions on popular social media platforms.

Digital PR: AdLift helps businesses to build their online reputation and increase their brand visibility through effective digital PR strategies.

Data Analytics: AdLift provides businesses with detailed analytics and reporting, giving them insights into the performance of their digital marketing campaigns and helping them to make data-driven decisions.

It’s important to note that while AdLift operates in the digital marketing space, it may not be considered a traditional AdTech company. The term “AdTech” often refers to companies that develop technology platforms for managing, buying, and selling digital advertising space. AdLift, on the other hand, is a service-based agency that uses these technologies to deliver results for their clients.


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