Mumbai: New NMMC precautions circular after 21 IT company workers tested positive


Navi Mumbai: The Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) has issued a fresh circular of dos and donts for institutions falling under essential services. This was necessitated after 21 employees of a back-end IT company located in Mhape were tested positive of Coronavirus. At least, five more city residents have tested positive after coming in contact with employees of this IT company.

The total number of positive cases of Coronavirus has reached 145 with 14 new cases reported on Monday under the NMMC jurisdiction.

As per the circular, the office will need to maintain at least three meters distance between two employees. The offices should ensure that the work area should be disinfected three times a day, including door handles, work stations, computers and mouse, stationery, office canteen and other areas.

The accommodation facility should also be provided within the office premises ensuring a meter distance between two beds. Toilets ought to be cleaned after every use. Furthermore, there should be an arrangement of hot drinking water and kitchen within the premises. No outside food should be allowed for employees working at essential services premises.

In case of replacing employees, new employees must have been tested negative of COVID-19 and spent 14 days of quarantine. All the employees should be given hand gloves, hand sanitizer and at least three-ply facial masks. If any employees show symptoms nearest urban primary health centre must be approached.

“Employees of bank, hospitals and other essential institutions must take precautions when they return home as the safety of their family members is also important,” said A B Misal, Municipal Commissioner of NMMC.

Meanwhile, in the last two days, 37 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported under the NMMC jurisdiction. On Monday, 14 new cases of Coronavirus were detected. Most of the cases were from Belapur. On Sunday, 23 cases were reported of which 9 cases from Belapur. A police constable from Juinagar was detected with COVID-19. He was posted in Mankhurd and travelled everyday by bus. Panvel reported one positive case on Monday.


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