Sevatidevi Memorial Digital Medical Centers: An IT-based Global health Care Delivery System


All you need to know about Sevatidevi Memorial Digital Medical Centers

Sevatidevi Memorial Digital Medical Centers Pvt ltd was started to provide “World Class Health Care to Any One, Anywhere, Any Time, At Affordable Low Cost Instantly”. They are now planning to set up PAN INDIA network of digital medical centers, to provide world-class health care services for 70% population of India, which includes: All for Rs 50/- only per visit.

  1. All for Rs 50/- only per visit: Complete medical Examination, basic investigations of blood, urine, stool, ECG, X-ray, Medical consultation
  2. Same essential services as above (but on life membership) basis @ Rs 2/- per day, or
  3. Same services as above for senior citizens or those without Bank account or Aadhar card @ Rs 500/- per year

And for the remaining 30% of the Indian Population:

  • World Class better health check-ups @ reduced almost (50 % of the current cost).
  • Local Intra city *(Outside), Inter-city, National consultation: @ Rs 500/- Service charge per visit plus local Consultation charge plus cost of special investigations if any
  • International /Global Consultation: Rs 500/-one-time service charge per visit plus 100 % plus 10% communication charge (of actual International consultation).

A win-a-win situation for all the stakeholders

Sevatidevi services will provide a win-a-win situation for all the stakeholders. From patient to doctors, all will benefit.

 For the patient:

  • Eliminate a lack of or inadequate health care infrastructure in rural areas.
  • Create state of the art Digital Primary health care infrastructure with low or no cost to the govt.
  • Ensure world-class health care for the common man at low affordable cost instantly.
  • Eliminate a shortage of doctors and a shortage of right medicine.

For Government:

  • Will relieve govt from setting up large but weak & mismanaged “primary health care infrastructure”.
  • A Digital Medical Center which will have a digital infrastructure with digital investigations, with all patient’s data, doctor’s data, financial data stored at Cloud, retrievable at any digital Medical Center during the subsequent visit of the patient.

Doctors employment will provide self-employment to doctors with the flexibility of working hours, place and continued Medical education, which is intertwined into the system.

Consultants will have increased Global, catchment area and increased remuneration, enhancement of knowledge. Additionally, Increased Productivity and patient turn over

  • With reduced costs as will not have pay for fuel, hiring costs of hospital cabins, reduction of wastage of time to travel to hospital, can work from anywhere, anytime increased quality time for patient diagnosis and improved quality of diagnosis.
  • Increase the productivity to nearly 8 times, thus reducing the cost of per consultation to 1/8th 

Digital Medical Center -Franchisees will have a safe business with better returns.

Recent Projects and Workshops

In 1999 post selction of the project for presentation at the TELEMED 99, a conference of G8 countries in London (organised by the American Telemedicine Service Providers Association & Royal Society Of Medicine),it received a humongous response. Three Norwegian company’s(Telenor, National Hospital of Norway , Sintef: a large European Research Foundation of Norway) formed a consortium to support implementation of the project. Telenor wanted to invest a significant amount. Tatainfotech & Larsen & Toubro signed MOU to be strategic partners

Several workshops were conducted, in India and Norway by the consortium partners, but the technology was not mature to support the project. They had invested a few million dollars in research but had no choice but to wait and watch the development of technology globally.

Family and educational background of the founder and the Co-founder

Dr Arvind Aggarwal, MBBS of 1970 batch, is the founder and the principal innovator. After getting married in 1980, he went into the international business of fashion garments. He had large garment export business, with four overseas offices in New York, Paris, Budapest & Bangladesh.

In 2011, Dr Arvind Aggarwal went through a severe medical crisis. He suffered multiple brain strokes, which forced him to wind up the export business as he was advised that he will never be able to travel. But God wanted him to live until he completed this unfinished task. He survived the brush with death and is healthy & strong today.

Dr. Meena Aggarwal is also a medico and a co-founder, from Famous Madras Medical college Chennai 1972 batch. She had been the main support & pillar of strength behind her husband. She has an eye for detail 

The way ahead

They have been keeping a watch on technology, as today technology is available, Dr. Aggarwal wants to bring back global partners to implement this project & implement it in India and globally. The project has signed an MOU with UP Govt for setting up 3000 Digital Medical Centers in the next 5 years.

Bringing Laurels for the Nation

Sevatidevi Memorial Digital Medical Centers Pvt Ltd. has received worldwide recognition. They have received various awards, including:

  • 1999: it was selected for presentation in TELEMED 99, a conference of G8 countries in London.
  • 2000: it was awarded GOLD MEDAL, for Excellence in the Innovation of Technology, in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi in India International Trade Fair.
    • 2000 it was selected as a key project for Europe- by Delloite & touché,
    • European Commission
    • Govt of Luxembourg
    • Doctors Association of Luxembourg
    • International Telecommunication Union, Switzerland
  • 2000 it was sponsored by the United States Trade Development Agency for presentation in “Health care in Asia- New technologies – New Options” a competition of health care infrastructure projects from all Asian countries, where it received Standing Ovation.
  • 2000: it was accepted for presentation at the ATSP conference in Minneapolis, USA.
  • The year 2017 saw a wave of recognition and received numerous awards:
  • It was accepted for publication in the British Medical Journal.
  • It was accepted for presentation at a conference of WORLD ACADEMY of Science Engineering & Technology, In Lisbon, Portugal
  • CII India awarded it the CII Industrial Innovation Award
  • It was awarded “Best Presentation Award” For Outstanding Work by World Academy of Science. Engineering & Technology, Tokyo, Japan, May 2017.

Problem faced by the founders before executing the plan and how did they solve them

The biggest problem India is corruption, Founder had been a very big victim of a Land scam. He had purchased approximately 140 acres of Premium land, in Gurgaon for setting up a LARGE UNIVERSITY and convention centre.

During 1998 Some corrupt officials of the revenue department of Gurgaon of Govt of Haryana colluded with private builders, prepared fabricated documents and registered 272 fake sale deeds during the court stay.

 Someone reported the matter to Haryana govt. Haryana Govt appointed a commissioner rank IAS officer to investigate the matter, who investigated the matter and registered an FIR against the corrupt officials. This matter is still pending in the High court of Haryana & Punjab.


-Dr Hanumanthappa

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