Why Your Boss Is Much Better Than Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos


By a significant margin, with a rough estimate of $140 billion, Jeff Bezos is the richest man on face of the earth. Thanks to his e-commerce business, the entrepreneur is making so much money that it will be hard for a normal person to comprehend.

When you up there, sitting on a mountain of money you needn’t to bother being polite and nice to people, right? At least, this is the case with Jeff –

He insults his employees, brutally!

You must have an idea by now that Jeff Bezos is not a soft-spoken boss. Brad Stone, in his book named The Everything Store, described the tendency of Bezos to go ballistic when his employees fail to meet the standard set by Jeff himself. In fact, there is a collection of outbursts that starts from “Why are you wasting my life? to “I’m sorry, did I take my stupid pills today?” He should at least wear a smile on his face before spitting such harsh words, rude nay?

He turns his employees against each other

There is a whole department in firms to keep the working culture nice and positive. To be unpleasant to your employees is not considered as the most effective way to keep them driven, but Jeff took things on a different level by encouraging his underlings to be as unpleasant to each other as they could be. Once, a former Amazon HR director called their approach “purposeful Darwinism” which is not an employee-friendly method as anyone can tell.

Maintains Ruthless Corporate Culture

To make Amazon take its shape according to his vision, Jeff created some Leadership Principles. These 14 rules require his employees to make a quick decision while keeping the “relentlessly high standards” maintained, accomplish more with less, to obsess over the customers. The New York Times described how his workers toil over the projects without sleeping for days in a row, and how to keep up with the data entry he paid in peanuts to freelancers in India. Jeff doesn’t fancy employees who can’t keep up with his high expectation, and claims them to be “incompetent”.

The worst part is that even those workers who went through big personal issues like miscarriages and suffered cancer were not spared by the ever-angry Jeff.

His warehouses are nothing less than a prison

Warehouses are never the most luxurious place in any organization. But imagine peeing in bottles! The Amazon employees who work at the warehouse compare it with prison. James Blood worth went undercover to research for his book in companies warehouse (fulfillment centers as they call it) and reported that: There is constant surveillance, the targets are too high, the pay is inadequate and injuries at the workplace are depressingly common.


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