Tips to keep you healthy!!


WOW!! Looking so good…you have left your age back… So glowing skin…

Don’t these compliments make you happy?

In reality, these compliments motivate us to follow a healthy regime. They work as fuel for our body. We go to any extent to get these motivational statements. Overwhelming change in lifestyles has put a question mark on our health. Doing extreme workouts, eating processed food having diet foods mentioned on them, consuming diet coke and such beverages are considered a style statement in the lifestyle world.


But do you know the harmful effects they have on your body?

The human body is the most amazing creation of God. It can heal or hurt itself. The scientist of the artificial intelligence era has failed to know how this miracle works and we spoil this gift with our unhealthy habits.

A healthy lifestyle prevents yours from chronic diseases and long-term illness. Unlimited videos and write-ups that misguide today’s generation work as icing on the cake.

A healthy body not only boosts your confidence but make you feel happy from inside. A right approach is must to keep your body fit and healthy.

Here are a few ways to keep you healthy and happy:


  • Adequate sleep- Sleeps habits affect the quality of life. It supports healthy brain functioning and maintains your physical health. If you are not able to sleep then you could be having vitamin D deficiency. Add fatty foods such as Tuna or salmon, dairy products, orange juice or cereals to your diet can prove beneficial for sound sleep.
  • Avoid processed foods- Having more processed food distract you from your healthy goals. Having more sugar, sodium and fats lead to many chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and many more. They also lack nutritional value. Hence having these only have harmful effects. Try adding healthy and freshly cooked food.


  • Increase fibre –in-take- Do you know why Fibre-foods has many health benefits? Foods rich in fibre helps in healthy bowel system, controls cholesterol, and blood sugar level,
  • Increase your workout with work– having a problem in taking rest, it must be vitamin A deficiency. Work out is the best solution. You don’t need to make a workout plan for this. A brisk 20-30 minutes walk or doing some aerobics, Zumba can prove entertainment cum workout time.
  • Set your 5 meal plan- A 5 meal plan consists of equal breakfast, lunch, and dinner with two snacks. In this, you need to schedule your eating every two-three hours. This will help you manage your weight gaols, avoid food cravings and improve your metabolism.
  • Stay hydrated- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water is considered ideal for a normal human body. Lack of water may lead to dehydration, dryness, and calls for skin-aging and wrinkles. Hydrated skin looks healthy and glowing.

A sensible diet having natural foods and supplements accompanied by an adequate amount of workout and a sound sleep together makes it a healthy lifestyle.


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